I mean while watching the gameplay trailer I got the impression I was watching a demo for an arcade game or a Gods of War expansion. One of the things I always liked about Diablo was its ability to find a believable median between realism and fantasy. D3's barb seems to lean too heavily towards fantasy and over-the-top. I'm hoping they tone it down a bit in the final release.|||Yeah, it's a bit over the top, but I don't see it as a bad thing. I allways thought Diablo II's skills were a little underwhelming. A skill like 'Fist of the Heavens' didn't quite live up to it's name if you ask me...
How is your combat engine being compared to a game universally praised for it's awesome combat like God of War a bad thing? As for the realism part, Diablo II had a lot of ludicrous looking skills, but no one seems to care. I think it's just a matter of getting used to.|||I remember Sorc skill: "Thunderstorm". It was a single weird "BOING!" sound and a lone sprite going down on a monster avery 10 seconds or so. THUNDERSTORM! ^_^|||i think the barb looked over the top cause he was overpowered for the demo. it was clear that the vid was entirely scripted and they were just trying to show some things off. i would not really look too much into it yet|||Yes, of course. I agree with Apocalypse. You will notice that their exp bar hardly, if at all, moves during the course of the gameplay trailer. The barbarian was obviously pretty tripped out for the area he was in, and all they wanted to do was showcase his array of skills.
In all, I believe you are mistaking newer, more fantasy-like special effects and graphics as over the top, when compared to the oldschool style of D2...mistakenly taken as more "realistic". The element of fantasy between D2 and D3 remains unchanged.|||Quote:
i think the barb looked over the top cause he was overpowered for the demo. it was clear that the vid was entirely scripted and they were just trying to show some things off. i would not really look too much into it yet
Indeed. I watched the video fully expecting either the chars to be decked out in above average gear, or the monsters to be toned down to below average stats. In the final release the monsters should hopefully be alot tougher.|||The barb will be overpowered when the game releases. Why you might ask? Because he's the flagship of Diablo now, he's the main man of the series. Their making him the focal point. He's easy to play, powerful, and a huge draw for newbie players and teens who want to bash things. He will be stronger than people want him to be, but thats to us barbarian lovers benefit.|||d3 is based around barb? Source?|||What makes you say that the Barb is the focal point? I mean the Witch Doctor had just as much face time in the gameplay video as the Barb did. I personally liked that they showed that the Barb would have more of a crowd killing focus in D3. The one thing that drove me nuts in D2 when it comes to the Barb is that he couldn't kill as quickly as basically every other class.|||Nope, not over the top. He's a bashing-crashing-smashing class; his skills better intimidate and show lots of activity.
Also, we haven't seen the other classes yet. I'll put him at middle until I see the Archer/Rogue or Sorceress.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Highest BO?
Hello all,
I've made a support babarian that focuses on Battle orders, Battle Command and Shout. I'm doing my best to kit him out with as many plus skills as possible. Now, aside from the amazingly rare and expensive +3 warcry/+3 Battle orders Helm, are there any other items I could add to improve his skill levels?
Level - 80
Helm - Halaberd's Reign (+4)
Armour - Myth (+2)
Rings - BK/SoJ (+2)
Ammy - +3 warcries (+3)
weapons - 2x CtA (+8)
Belt - Arachs (+1)
Warcry skiller x 9 (+9)
Barb Torch (+3)
Annihilus (+1)
After using battle command this little lot gives me +51 battle orders. Very respectable. But aside from the aforementioned helm, is there anything else I have missed?|||Wrong forum. This is for D3|||2 x CTA doesn't count as +8, but +5, since OSkills from your class are counted at +3 MAX no matter how many different sources.
So you're actually better off with 1 CTA and 1 +3 Warcry Weapon
+1 From Battle Command.
And the helm, other than that, it's at max.
But yes, wrong Forum.|||Quote:
And the helm, other than that, it's at max.
You could make Delirium in a +3 BO helm for +5 BO total. Then again they don't grow on trees either, but still much easier to find and imo much better than using 987654321 HRs to buy yourself one more +skill.
I've made a support babarian that focuses on Battle orders, Battle Command and Shout. I'm doing my best to kit him out with as many plus skills as possible. Now, aside from the amazingly rare and expensive +3 warcry/+3 Battle orders Helm, are there any other items I could add to improve his skill levels?
Level - 80
Helm - Halaberd's Reign (+4)
Armour - Myth (+2)
Rings - BK/SoJ (+2)
Ammy - +3 warcries (+3)
weapons - 2x CtA (+8)
Belt - Arachs (+1)
Warcry skiller x 9 (+9)
Barb Torch (+3)
Annihilus (+1)
After using battle command this little lot gives me +51 battle orders. Very respectable. But aside from the aforementioned helm, is there anything else I have missed?|||Wrong forum. This is for D3|||2 x CTA doesn't count as +8, but +5, since OSkills from your class are counted at +3 MAX no matter how many different sources.
So you're actually better off with 1 CTA and 1 +3 Warcry Weapon
+1 From Battle Command.
And the helm, other than that, it's at max.
But yes, wrong Forum.|||Quote:
And the helm, other than that, it's at max.
You could make Delirium in a +3 BO helm for +5 BO total. Then again they don't grow on trees either, but still much easier to find and imo much better than using 987654321 HRs to buy yourself one more +skill.

the barb looks old - Page 5
From the Greek proverbs - yes it's a old saying but still true.
Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill.
Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill.
the barb looks old - Page 4
yep i think so idk|||If would be kinda cool if some of his most powerful physical abilities used up his health as he pushed his tired old body to extremes.|||veteran>>>>all. Although old, he must be very skillful, so maybe that was one of the aspects of blizz's idea to put it this way to us
|||Experience comes with age. Old barb is a great idea IMO.|||I think it also allows for a good level of continuity with D2 having the Barb looking older like that.|||What happened to the barb's old friends. the sorc, zon, ***,pally,druid? retirement? died?|||Probably the same thing that happened to the D1 characters, went mad and will be enemies in D3.|||Quote:
Probably the same thing that happened to the D1 characters, went mad and will be enemies in D3.
I read somewhere that Akara was supposed to be the Rogue in d1 and Drognan was the Sorcerer, but I don't know how true that really is...|||Quote:
I read somewhere that Akara was supposed to be the Rogue in d1 and Drognan was the Sorcerer, but I don't know how true that really is...
I think is more to Blood Raven being the Rogue and The Summoner (Act2) being the Sorcerer...|||Old men screaming at enemies to make them cry is for the win!

Probably the same thing that happened to the D1 characters, went mad and will be enemies in D3.
I read somewhere that Akara was supposed to be the Rogue in d1 and Drognan was the Sorcerer, but I don't know how true that really is...|||Quote:
I read somewhere that Akara was supposed to be the Rogue in d1 and Drognan was the Sorcerer, but I don't know how true that really is...
I think is more to Blood Raven being the Rogue and The Summoner (Act2) being the Sorcerer...|||Old men screaming at enemies to make them cry is for the win!
the barb looks old - Page 3
Are we sure there isn't any customization for characters. Adding a few different meshes isn't very hard anymore, and I wouldn't be surprised at all if it was a full facial customization, but the very least a few different looks. Skin tones, hair colors, age looks, etc.|||I dont think so, at least so far there hasnt been anything that shows that this kind of customization will be present|||Quote:
It is, confirmed in various interviews/panels/previews. Google is your friend on this one.
See, that wasn't hard.
hmm not sure if i really like that its the same barb,oh well dont matter what i think. thanks|||Quote:
Skin tones, hair colors, age looks, etc.
I don't think skin tones would be a good idea, for example, having a white Witch Doctor wouldn't fit the character well, equally, a black Barbarian wouldn't fit the character well as the Barbarians originate from Harrogath, which is cold, therefore they would (traditionally) be white.|||i think barb will not kill that good because he is OLD,|||Quote:
i think barb will not kill that good because he is OLD,
Those youths today...
Veterancy and wisdom earned by years of practice and experiences is what makes warrior truly deadly. Young greenhorns are just cannon fodder
|||I'd hate to live in Sanctuary, who wants to live in a place where a Hero must show up and save the world from total destruction every 20 years :P|||Quote:
Those youths today...
Veterancy and wisdom earned by years of practice and experiences is what makes warrior truly deadly. Young greenhorns are just cannon fodder 
huh u must be one of those fancy guys cause u TALK WEIRD|||Ah yes, I forgot that using proper English went out of style years ago when AOL gained popularity.|||Quote:
the barb looks old to me does he look old to you or does he loook young well i dont think
he looks young i bet most people are going to think
that the barb is old ya i bet.
Am I the only one who thinks this reads like modern poetry?
It is, confirmed in various interviews/panels/previews. Google is your friend on this one.
See, that wasn't hard.
hmm not sure if i really like that its the same barb,oh well dont matter what i think. thanks|||Quote:
Skin tones, hair colors, age looks, etc.
I don't think skin tones would be a good idea, for example, having a white Witch Doctor wouldn't fit the character well, equally, a black Barbarian wouldn't fit the character well as the Barbarians originate from Harrogath, which is cold, therefore they would (traditionally) be white.|||i think barb will not kill that good because he is OLD,|||Quote:
i think barb will not kill that good because he is OLD,
Those youths today...

Those youths today...

huh u must be one of those fancy guys cause u TALK WEIRD|||Ah yes, I forgot that using proper English went out of style years ago when AOL gained popularity.|||Quote:
the barb looks old to me does he look old to you or does he loook young well i dont think
he looks young i bet most people are going to think
that the barb is old ya i bet.
Am I the only one who thinks this reads like modern poetry?
the barb looks old - Page 2
I dig it as well, it adds a nostalgic feeling and a personal connection to the character.|||Plus if somebody wants a younger fresher look they can just go with the female version i guess so both sides can be happy. Personally i like to continue with my old friend in this other epic adventure :P|||@thyiad
why do they do that? the girls look like there waring armour plated bikini's....
WHY!?|||Maybe because they go with the idea that sex sells lol|||Did anyone see the Amazon?
xD.|||I love the new barb look.
Even better is his build. D2 seemed to mess up the barb a bit imo. His shoulders were too prominent and it crowded out his biceps. The D2 barb's legs didn't look like much either.
But the D3 barb...wow, they really got his anatomy right this time.|||Quote:
why do they do that? the girls look like there waring armour plated bikini's....
Blame it on Jabba the Hutt..... its all 'cause Princess Leia was so hot in her armored bikini plate.. (so much even R2-D2 got excited).. back in the day..|||seems to me the design philosophy behind both barb's is to be big armored tanks while showing as much skin as possible. seeing as how they arent knights/pally's this makes sense. remember conan/red sonja? i think it's a cool warrior archetype and that design decision supports that this is a specific type of melee subcalss.|||i dont think they is supposed to be the same barb as the one in d2, might be wrong please show me a link to something if i am, but i assumed this was a different person.|||Quote:
i dont think they is supposed to be the same barb as the one in d2, might be wrong please show me a link to something if i am, but i assumed this was a different person.
It is, confirmed in various interviews/panels/previews. Google is your friend on this one.
See, that wasn't hard.
why do they do that? the girls look like there waring armour plated bikini's....
WHY!?|||Maybe because they go with the idea that sex sells lol|||Did anyone see the Amazon?
xD.|||I love the new barb look.
Even better is his build. D2 seemed to mess up the barb a bit imo. His shoulders were too prominent and it crowded out his biceps. The D2 barb's legs didn't look like much either.
But the D3 barb...wow, they really got his anatomy right this time.|||Quote:
why do they do that? the girls look like there waring armour plated bikini's....
Blame it on Jabba the Hutt..... its all 'cause Princess Leia was so hot in her armored bikini plate.. (so much even R2-D2 got excited).. back in the day..|||seems to me the design philosophy behind both barb's is to be big armored tanks while showing as much skin as possible. seeing as how they arent knights/pally's this makes sense. remember conan/red sonja? i think it's a cool warrior archetype and that design decision supports that this is a specific type of melee subcalss.|||i dont think they is supposed to be the same barb as the one in d2, might be wrong please show me a link to something if i am, but i assumed this was a different person.|||Quote:
i dont think they is supposed to be the same barb as the one in d2, might be wrong please show me a link to something if i am, but i assumed this was a different person.
It is, confirmed in various interviews/panels/previews. Google is your friend on this one.
See, that wasn't hard.
the barb looks old
the barb looks old to me does he look old to you or does he loook young well i dont think
he looks young i bet most people are going to think
that the barb is old ya i bet.|||See also
http://diablo.incgamers.com/forums/s...d.php?t=669728|||The story within D3 is supposed to be 20 years after the events of D2, so they tried to make the barb look 20 years older than he did in D2 i'm assuming
|||Correct. One of the panels, said it's 20 years after D2, the Barb has seen some stuff, got some scars. Seen his ancestral home (AS) destroyed ..
I like him. I just hope the poor git isn't chased around by a lonely Charsi. That was old in D2.
Also .. give the poor female barb some clothes. It isn't just men that need protection.
|||man, Deckard Cain must be nearing 119 years old at least
|||ya he looks really old cain is going to die|||I think the idea of a battle scarred Barbarian fits in very well with DIII and think that it will give him some more character, aside from the sheer youthful pwning power of DII's barb.
Maybe there will be a selection of ointments available from Deckard Cain for his Lumbago etc.|||Quote:
The story within D3 is supposed to be 20 years after the events of D2, so they tried to make the barb look 20 years older than he did in D2 i'm assuming
Keeping that in mind Cain should have died within those 20 years I guess ^^ Lel if they should actually add the nec, they should give him a grey beard aswell and a stick like Cain to walk with :]|||I like his older look very much, and especially his voice, it just fits very well to his appearance as a battle-hardened veteran: "It's time for shedding our enemies blood, not idle talk."
Being a medieval setting, he is probably too old to fight anymore. Most people in this time died quite early from our perspective (40 years was really old). But I don't mind this, it's Diablo after all, not some medieval simulation game. Go go elder barb!|||I'm a big fan of this style decision. It makes for a really interesting character to play.
he looks young i bet most people are going to think
that the barb is old ya i bet.|||See also
http://diablo.incgamers.com/forums/s...d.php?t=669728|||The story within D3 is supposed to be 20 years after the events of D2, so they tried to make the barb look 20 years older than he did in D2 i'm assuming

I like him. I just hope the poor git isn't chased around by a lonely Charsi. That was old in D2.
Also .. give the poor female barb some clothes. It isn't just men that need protection.

Maybe there will be a selection of ointments available from Deckard Cain for his Lumbago etc.|||Quote:
The story within D3 is supposed to be 20 years after the events of D2, so they tried to make the barb look 20 years older than he did in D2 i'm assuming

Keeping that in mind Cain should have died within those 20 years I guess ^^ Lel if they should actually add the nec, they should give him a grey beard aswell and a stick like Cain to walk with :]|||I like his older look very much, and especially his voice, it just fits very well to his appearance as a battle-hardened veteran: "It's time for shedding our enemies blood, not idle talk."

Being a medieval setting, he is probably too old to fight anymore. Most people in this time died quite early from our perspective (40 years was really old). But I don't mind this, it's Diablo after all, not some medieval simulation game. Go go elder barb!|||I'm a big fan of this style decision. It makes for a really interesting character to play.
The Barbarian is not cartoony. - Page 7
I'm pretty sure knights are "always mounted" because it looks better in photos and in films.|||Its a fake fantasy world the demon belt gives him demon powers without the demon belt he would not have demon powers|||lol i still think he looks good :x
The Barbarian is not cartoony. - Page 5
He could impale himself on that belt. At least cut his arm. Just be patient. Things will definitely change.|||On the other hand, he could hold on to them and make car noises with his mouth.|||Quote:
On the other hand, he could hold on to them and make car noises with his mouth.
Which would be a funny dance emote would it not?! Then again, there should be no dancing emotes in Diablo, that just wouldn't be Diablo.
I'm a fan of psuedo-realism so I also would like the horns on the belt to go but I don't have much problem with the big shoulderpads. I've always been a fan of big shoulderpads.
I get the feeling it will stay in though, for the sake of different looks. Not like it will matter much with us busy killing things at a fast pace.|||Ya know, that armor isn't very efficient. I'd be more concerned about protecting my heart instead of mah belly. So the shoulder pads were actually higher?|||What the devil is wrong with the belt? I like that! It reminds me of all the Fantasy .. Conan the Barb, Willow.. Legend, LOTR, Krull, Skeletor.. they all wear funky belts with skulls and huge spike protuding armors.. if i can just find some pic..
eh thats the best i could find..
Ah, found some spikier armor...

hah whatya know, even in reality it looks.. RIDICULOUSO!

Yea, ok find any pic of Conan, the barb is half naked.. seriously only weak barbarians need armor.. GEESH!|||I understand there is going to be some deep discussion about what we have seen presented to us about Diablo 3. However lets not get to upset with the current look of a pair of shoulder pads. We've only seen a small fraction of what the game has to offer. As for the belt with horns. To me it looks awesome. Practicality sometimes takes a back seat when trying to give off a bad-*** look. Horns have been added to many forms of armor from different areas around the world. What practicality did the horns on the Vikings helmets play? Such unpractical armor was used century's ago in battle to give off a more powerful look and intimidate others. There is a psychological approach to such a thing. Its not all black and white.|||I don't remember Skeletor wearing big, skull covered, spiky armor. Which is a shame because he really didn't wear much at all. He must shop at the same Straps 'n' Loin Cloths as Conan.
I do also agree with practicality taking a back seat to looking bad-*** but I'm more of the type that would take that as like the above picture with the fancy design all over his armor. The helmet is really pushing it though. Are those snakes for horns?|||Quote:
I don't remember Skeletor wearing big, skull covered, spiky armor. Which is a shame because he really didn't wear much at all. He must shop at the same Straps 'n' Loin Cloths as Conan.
I do also agree with practicality taking a back seat to looking bad-*** but I'm more of the type that would take that as like the above picture with the fancy design all over his armor. The helmet is really pushing it though. Are those snakes for horns?
I forgot, Skeletor wears a leotard, oops.. but I do agree the arguement is valid, bad-*** and larger than life plated armor and helms are a good thing, even practical. In nature, snakes, elephants, meerkats.. they all try to appear larger, the Cobra for example, puffs it's body so that it appears larger, and subsequently deters its enemies.. as a psychological victory..
Puffy armor, with huge spikes.. its a deterrance, its valid!|||I don't think I'd go as far as to say it's practical. Hypothetically, would you be willing to trade off 2/3 of your field of vision and freedom of movement to demoralize creatures who fall in between "too stupid/corrupt to care" and "too smart to care"?
I guess whether or not "puffy armor" impresses fictional creatures could be debated all day. I still agree in unnecessary steps to look cool, I just prefer it on top of my function. Referencing your picture again - like the standard looking armor, sans helmet, with the cool design on top of it. And that snake scepter thing would make one awesome like... halberd-like skull buster hammer.|||Quote:
What practicality did the horns on the Vikings helmets play?
Actually vikings didn't have horns on their helmets. It's a common misconception/myth. It's a feature that's been added in more modern times. I don't remember the story behind it though.
On the other hand, he could hold on to them and make car noises with his mouth.
Which would be a funny dance emote would it not?! Then again, there should be no dancing emotes in Diablo, that just wouldn't be Diablo.
I'm a fan of psuedo-realism so I also would like the horns on the belt to go but I don't have much problem with the big shoulderpads. I've always been a fan of big shoulderpads.
I get the feeling it will stay in though, for the sake of different looks. Not like it will matter much with us busy killing things at a fast pace.|||Ya know, that armor isn't very efficient. I'd be more concerned about protecting my heart instead of mah belly. So the shoulder pads were actually higher?|||What the devil is wrong with the belt? I like that! It reminds me of all the Fantasy .. Conan the Barb, Willow.. Legend, LOTR, Krull, Skeletor.. they all wear funky belts with skulls and huge spike protuding armors.. if i can just find some pic..
Ah, found some spikier armor...

hah whatya know, even in reality it looks.. RIDICULOUSO!

Yea, ok find any pic of Conan, the barb is half naked.. seriously only weak barbarians need armor.. GEESH!|||I understand there is going to be some deep discussion about what we have seen presented to us about Diablo 3. However lets not get to upset with the current look of a pair of shoulder pads. We've only seen a small fraction of what the game has to offer. As for the belt with horns. To me it looks awesome. Practicality sometimes takes a back seat when trying to give off a bad-*** look. Horns have been added to many forms of armor from different areas around the world. What practicality did the horns on the Vikings helmets play? Such unpractical armor was used century's ago in battle to give off a more powerful look and intimidate others. There is a psychological approach to such a thing. Its not all black and white.|||I don't remember Skeletor wearing big, skull covered, spiky armor. Which is a shame because he really didn't wear much at all. He must shop at the same Straps 'n' Loin Cloths as Conan.
I do also agree with practicality taking a back seat to looking bad-*** but I'm more of the type that would take that as like the above picture with the fancy design all over his armor. The helmet is really pushing it though. Are those snakes for horns?|||Quote:
I don't remember Skeletor wearing big, skull covered, spiky armor. Which is a shame because he really didn't wear much at all. He must shop at the same Straps 'n' Loin Cloths as Conan.
I do also agree with practicality taking a back seat to looking bad-*** but I'm more of the type that would take that as like the above picture with the fancy design all over his armor. The helmet is really pushing it though. Are those snakes for horns?
I forgot, Skeletor wears a leotard, oops.. but I do agree the arguement is valid, bad-*** and larger than life plated armor and helms are a good thing, even practical. In nature, snakes, elephants, meerkats.. they all try to appear larger, the Cobra for example, puffs it's body so that it appears larger, and subsequently deters its enemies.. as a psychological victory..
Puffy armor, with huge spikes.. its a deterrance, its valid!|||I don't think I'd go as far as to say it's practical. Hypothetically, would you be willing to trade off 2/3 of your field of vision and freedom of movement to demoralize creatures who fall in between "too stupid/corrupt to care" and "too smart to care"?
I guess whether or not "puffy armor" impresses fictional creatures could be debated all day. I still agree in unnecessary steps to look cool, I just prefer it on top of my function. Referencing your picture again - like the standard looking armor, sans helmet, with the cool design on top of it. And that snake scepter thing would make one awesome like... halberd-like skull buster hammer.|||Quote:
What practicality did the horns on the Vikings helmets play?
Actually vikings didn't have horns on their helmets. It's a common misconception/myth. It's a feature that's been added in more modern times. I don't remember the story behind it though.
The Barbarian is not cartoony. - Page 4

I would like to see a return of the plate type armors in D3. The Assassin looks so cool in gothic plate. Many of us dislike the "flaps and straps" approach. I feel that both visual types could make it into the game and please more people.
These armors would look hella cool in the new 3d engine. acid etched plate armor...woot!
When fighting hell spawned demons thicker heavier armor just makes sense to me in the diablo series world.|||That demon face isn't badass...is simply ridiculous.Those damn horns make no sense...I don't see how that would protect the barbarian but I do see plenty of ways it could get in his way while fighting.|||I think anyone would agree, as it's been pointed out repeatedly in this thread, that Diablo is by its very nature (being a fantasy role playing game), unrealistic. However, I think most people would agree that there should be some sort of limit on HOW crazy things get. Most fantasy universes have their own set of rules and laws, be it D&D or Marvel Comics. Just because that guy from Final Fantasy 7 swings around a massive 6 by 2 foot blade around with little trouble, does that mean we would want to see that in the Diablo? I mean where do you draw the line? Maybe from whats already been established by previous Diablo games? If you use that logic, I would argue that the images we've seen of Diablo 3 are not consistent with what has already been portrayed in the other Diablo games. They simply do not fit. IMO of course.
Personally I would rather see the barbarian wearing the armor in the style it's supposed to look like and not have it magically transformed into some crazy barbarian style gear when he puts it on. I mean, he's a BARBARIAN, when I think of what a barbarian is, I think of a savage who rapes and pillages and steals, among other things, armor and weapons, and uses those things like a savage effin' beast, not a pomp and proper paladin with his polished shoulder pads and nice shiny shield. No, I see a barbarian picking stuff off DEAD paladins (that he may or may not have killed) and mixing and matching, maybe he happens to get a nice shiny suit of armor, maybe not, whatever he loots is what he wears. I don't see a barbarian uh 'upholstering' full plate with animal hides and fur and then welding horns onto it or what not. But obviously he's not a barbarian in that sense, and I'm sure theres been plenty of literature written on the "barbarian culture" (hows that for a contradiction of terms?), but a man can dream.
Then there are those who will say "it's a game so it can be as unrealistic as we want". I don't want it to be THAT unrealistic is the problem. IMO again.|||It is quite possible to depict the fantastic in a believable, immersive fashion.

Likewise, it is possible to depict both the real and fantastic in an unbelievable fashion...

Now I certainly don't want D3 looking like Saving Private Ryan but I'd definitely like a move away from the current parody we've seen with the heavily armoured barbarian. Immersion and cartoon proportions make poor bedfellows and whether you conciously realise it or accept it, decreased ability to identify as your character will harm the game's entertainment value for you.
edit:I don't mean to imply anything by my choice of first picture being one featuring darkness, grime and a prevalance of point lighting. I just got bored fast of finding suitable pics.|||I hated Frodo with a passion. He basically ruined the LotR trilogy.|||The biggest issue seems to be with the size of the shoulderpads and the way the belts are designed right? Its still early and Samwise himself has said art doesn't stop until they ship a game. So, you can be sure they will go through many styles. Whether they will agree with a group of fans that the shoulders/belts need to be toned remains to be seen.
Though after complaints from fans about the look of the Terran buildings/vehicles in SC2 as being too shiny, they did give it a more worn look, same with the change in the siege tank.
So, just continue voicing your opinions and I'm sure Blizzard will take note of it.|||Quote:
It is quite possible to depict the fantastic in a believable, immersive fashion
Agreed. I think a decent example of this from the diablo series is qual-kheks armor from d2lod. Its in the image I posted above (if anyone bothered to look). Its not over the top with 2 foot spikes. In fact he is wearing a chain mail suit uderneath his breastplate and shoulder plates. It looks very nice. An updated version of this armor in 3d is really what I had in mind for the d3 gothic plate for the barb.
I was happy with the looks of armor in d2lod (esp the plate types)and would like this to be taken to the next level in 3d.|||I'm not implying I'm an art wiz, but I like this clumsy photoshop I just made.

Yes those shoulder pads are a reasonable size. As for the belt, seems a bit odd but It's not as bad as over sized shoulders that block your side view.
You didn't edit the belt did you?|||No.
I think the belt is weird too, but that's about it. It's like someplace to rest his arms or something.
The Barbarian is not cartoony. - Page 3
For all the people saying the barbarian looks cartoony.
Yea, he is cartoony.. throughout the ENTIRE DIABLO SERIES! NOT ONCE HAS HE EVER APPEARED "REALISTIC" ! Not even CONAN appears realistic.. why not?? cause he was on roids!!! Realism is overrated.. especially in an animated series.. ..|||Quote:
Absurd you mean like the massive horns on the great helms which were just as big and useless as the ones on the barbarians belt? Do you mean absurd like leaping 50 feet in full platemail? Maybe you mean absurd like conjuring a gigantic iceball weighing hundreds of pounds flying across the screen shooting dozens of three foot long icicles at 500lb maggots in the depths of hell?
How about tiny flying hammers that kill most monsters and you in 1 hit?
Naked amazons who can punch arrows, and naked barbs who can kill you in one punch?|||Quote:
I dont think the shoulders are floating. The barbarian has pretty huge shoulders even without those pads on and as far as I can tell the modelers are smart enough to make them not float off the shoulders.
I know he has huge shoulders, I mentioned that earlier. Even so, I'm looking at the character select screen mock-up on the D3 website and his shoulders aren't that big. It's clearly very large shoulder armor. At the point I see in that picture, and many others, it looks cartoony to me. Ever heard of the saying "Too much of a good thing"?
It is other people in threads/petitions/etc. that make the Warcraft comparisons.
Okay, but I wasn't doing it in that post.|||I think people need to distinguish between cartoon, unrealism, and fantasy.
Cartoony, to me, means graphics which don't have good textures and/or have unrealistic proportions. Like a cartoon.
Unrealistic is anything which is, obviously, unrealistic.
Fantasy is unrealism for the sake of entertainment, but balanced with a bit of good sense and generally not taken too far.
Throwing ice-balls may be unrealistic, but it's fantasy so it's okay. Leaping 50 feet into the air with plate armour may be unrealistic, but it's fantasy so it's okay. Nobody wants to play a medieval-based RPG where you fight demons in Hell and yet you're restricted to realism. That's just stupid.
But at the same time, just because there is unrealistic or fantasy stuff - that doesn't make it cartoony either. So maybe some big huge shoulderpads are unrealistic. But it's fantasy. If the proportions are still half-decent and there are good textures - I don't think it's cartoony. It's just fantasy.
That having been said, the complaint that it looks kind of like the shoulder pads are floating - that's a comment about the distorted proportions etc. That's when you can make a valid cartoony criticism. The horns on the belt, well, I don't think you can call it unrealistic or cartoony. In this case you just say "it looks crap". And personally I would agree with that. The barbarians are savage and brutal - but that doesn't mean they have these elaborate demon-faced belts with horns coming out which would completely get in the way of any attempt to fight. It just looks out of place to me.
The way everyone calls everything cartoony just isn't making sense to me.|||I'm gonna play it even if it the next unveiled character is Daffy Duck. In any case, the Barb is impressive aesthetically and he doesn't look overly cartoony. However, I think the Hammer of Ancients skill is gonna....take some getting used to. I wasn't expecting a huge hammer to come out of nowhere. But I thought Blessed Hammers looked funny at first as well|||Quote:
However, I think the Hammer of Ancients skill is gonna....take some getting used to. I wasn't expecting a huge hammer to come out of nowhere.
I did not even notice that. I take it back. A giant hammer appearing out of no where to smash your enemy with? The barbarian isn't cartoony at all.|||Quote:

I don't get how big spikey shoulderpads and a badass demon face with horns for a belt is "Cartoony". Spikey shoulderpads, loincloths and such are just traditional accesories for savage barbaric races in fantasy settings.
I dont think he looks very much like an Orc from warcraft. The textures look alot dirtier and crisp than WoW.
Warcraft Orcs = Savage, Barbaric.
Barbarian = Savage, BARBARIC (obvious).
Spikey leather shoulderpads = Barbaric.
Even if there are some similiarities I really don't care if they look a little similiar to Warcraft orcs. They look cool to me and better than anything in WoWs ugly stretched out textures. Plus they're not the only shoulderpad graphics in the game if you really hate them that much.
People are also forgetting about how ridiculous looking alot of barbarian items in d2 were like the jawbone caps and other crazy helmets. When barbarians wore plate mail in D2 it looks absolutely nothing like real platemail, would you consider that cartoony too? They can wield 2 oversized two-handed weapons at the same time and spin a circle.. Isn't that "Cartoony" or "unrealistic"...Who cares? It's cool, it's fantasy and its about beating the crap out of demons.
It doesn't look like a cartoon it's just a pair of spikey shoulderpads on an old barbarian dude who wants to kick some demon ***.
If you can't see the similarity between your image and this one:

Then you are clearly insane. Here, I'll even help you:

They are clearly similar.|||Almost all fantasy images are over the top.
I have always found the should pads on most character designs ridiculous. Try swinging a weapon around half of the "fantasy" gear most characters are designed with. Ain't happening. Look at the size of most weapons - totally unrealistic.
But this is a fantasy game. Not a medieval combat sim.
As for similarity... I am not that fond of the WoW art style. I thought part of what set Diablo apart as its own universe was the different art style. When the project moved from Bliz North to Bliz Irvine I feared it would be taken under the same art direction as their existing, successful fantasy title. So far the images I have seen seem not TOO derivative of WoW and that gives me hope that D3 will retain it's own visual universe.
Diversity in fantasy is a good thing.|||Quote:
Diversity in fantasy is a good thing.
Couldn't agree more.
This game will have better graphics than D2 no doubt. Everyone here got hooked on D2, which was made when, 8 or 9 years ago? Those graphics look cartoony to me and to you, probably, too. But yet, we still were hooked on the game. D3 will be so much better, graphics wise. Don't put a lot of stock in how the game looks now. The graphics will change, and usually that change, before the alpha test, will be for the better.|||There have been some good points made in this post.
I remember a developer mentioning how they wanted an "over-the-top" design plan when it came to D3 and that the barb was a perfect example.
They definately succedded in their goal.
I started a barb character the other day in LOD just tinkering around and yes the barb armour even in D2 was not as good looking as say the same armour on the Paladin.
However, it was at least somewhat believeable, somewhat mideavil (sp?) like. The armour above is not even close.
Lord_Jaroh's post with the orc pic is actually the first image that I thought of when i seen the barb equip his armour in the gameplay video.
From what I Have seen so far I feel the developer's need to tweak the armour/weapon/character models (Specifically Barbarian).
I am very worried how the rest of classes will look with their armour and weapons....
For all the people saying the barbarian looks cartoony.
Yea, he is cartoony.. throughout the ENTIRE DIABLO SERIES! NOT ONCE HAS HE EVER APPEARED "REALISTIC" ! Not even CONAN appears realistic.. why not?? cause he was on roids!!! Realism is overrated.. especially in an animated series.. ..|||Quote:
Absurd you mean like the massive horns on the great helms which were just as big and useless as the ones on the barbarians belt? Do you mean absurd like leaping 50 feet in full platemail? Maybe you mean absurd like conjuring a gigantic iceball weighing hundreds of pounds flying across the screen shooting dozens of three foot long icicles at 500lb maggots in the depths of hell?
How about tiny flying hammers that kill most monsters and you in 1 hit?
Naked amazons who can punch arrows, and naked barbs who can kill you in one punch?|||Quote:
I dont think the shoulders are floating. The barbarian has pretty huge shoulders even without those pads on and as far as I can tell the modelers are smart enough to make them not float off the shoulders.
I know he has huge shoulders, I mentioned that earlier. Even so, I'm looking at the character select screen mock-up on the D3 website and his shoulders aren't that big. It's clearly very large shoulder armor. At the point I see in that picture, and many others, it looks cartoony to me. Ever heard of the saying "Too much of a good thing"?
It is other people in threads/petitions/etc. that make the Warcraft comparisons.
Okay, but I wasn't doing it in that post.|||I think people need to distinguish between cartoon, unrealism, and fantasy.
Cartoony, to me, means graphics which don't have good textures and/or have unrealistic proportions. Like a cartoon.
Unrealistic is anything which is, obviously, unrealistic.
Fantasy is unrealism for the sake of entertainment, but balanced with a bit of good sense and generally not taken too far.
Throwing ice-balls may be unrealistic, but it's fantasy so it's okay. Leaping 50 feet into the air with plate armour may be unrealistic, but it's fantasy so it's okay. Nobody wants to play a medieval-based RPG where you fight demons in Hell and yet you're restricted to realism. That's just stupid.
But at the same time, just because there is unrealistic or fantasy stuff - that doesn't make it cartoony either. So maybe some big huge shoulderpads are unrealistic. But it's fantasy. If the proportions are still half-decent and there are good textures - I don't think it's cartoony. It's just fantasy.
That having been said, the complaint that it looks kind of like the shoulder pads are floating - that's a comment about the distorted proportions etc. That's when you can make a valid cartoony criticism. The horns on the belt, well, I don't think you can call it unrealistic or cartoony. In this case you just say "it looks crap". And personally I would agree with that. The barbarians are savage and brutal - but that doesn't mean they have these elaborate demon-faced belts with horns coming out which would completely get in the way of any attempt to fight. It just looks out of place to me.
The way everyone calls everything cartoony just isn't making sense to me.|||I'm gonna play it even if it the next unveiled character is Daffy Duck. In any case, the Barb is impressive aesthetically and he doesn't look overly cartoony. However, I think the Hammer of Ancients skill is gonna....take some getting used to. I wasn't expecting a huge hammer to come out of nowhere. But I thought Blessed Hammers looked funny at first as well|||Quote:
However, I think the Hammer of Ancients skill is gonna....take some getting used to. I wasn't expecting a huge hammer to come out of nowhere.
I did not even notice that. I take it back. A giant hammer appearing out of no where to smash your enemy with? The barbarian isn't cartoony at all.|||Quote:

I don't get how big spikey shoulderpads and a badass demon face with horns for a belt is "Cartoony". Spikey shoulderpads, loincloths and such are just traditional accesories for savage barbaric races in fantasy settings.
I dont think he looks very much like an Orc from warcraft. The textures look alot dirtier and crisp than WoW.
Warcraft Orcs = Savage, Barbaric.
Barbarian = Savage, BARBARIC (obvious).
Spikey leather shoulderpads = Barbaric.
Even if there are some similiarities I really don't care if they look a little similiar to Warcraft orcs. They look cool to me and better than anything in WoWs ugly stretched out textures. Plus they're not the only shoulderpad graphics in the game if you really hate them that much.
People are also forgetting about how ridiculous looking alot of barbarian items in d2 were like the jawbone caps and other crazy helmets. When barbarians wore plate mail in D2 it looks absolutely nothing like real platemail, would you consider that cartoony too? They can wield 2 oversized two-handed weapons at the same time and spin a circle.. Isn't that "Cartoony" or "unrealistic"...Who cares? It's cool, it's fantasy and its about beating the crap out of demons.
It doesn't look like a cartoon it's just a pair of spikey shoulderpads on an old barbarian dude who wants to kick some demon ***.
If you can't see the similarity between your image and this one:

Then you are clearly insane. Here, I'll even help you:

They are clearly similar.|||Almost all fantasy images are over the top.
I have always found the should pads on most character designs ridiculous. Try swinging a weapon around half of the "fantasy" gear most characters are designed with. Ain't happening. Look at the size of most weapons - totally unrealistic.
But this is a fantasy game. Not a medieval combat sim.
As for similarity... I am not that fond of the WoW art style. I thought part of what set Diablo apart as its own universe was the different art style. When the project moved from Bliz North to Bliz Irvine I feared it would be taken under the same art direction as their existing, successful fantasy title. So far the images I have seen seem not TOO derivative of WoW and that gives me hope that D3 will retain it's own visual universe.
Diversity in fantasy is a good thing.|||Quote:
Diversity in fantasy is a good thing.
Couldn't agree more.
This game will have better graphics than D2 no doubt. Everyone here got hooked on D2, which was made when, 8 or 9 years ago? Those graphics look cartoony to me and to you, probably, too. But yet, we still were hooked on the game. D3 will be so much better, graphics wise. Don't put a lot of stock in how the game looks now. The graphics will change, and usually that change, before the alpha test, will be for the better.|||There have been some good points made in this post.
I remember a developer mentioning how they wanted an "over-the-top" design plan when it came to D3 and that the barb was a perfect example.
They definately succedded in their goal.
I started a barb character the other day in LOD just tinkering around and yes the barb armour even in D2 was not as good looking as say the same armour on the Paladin.
However, it was at least somewhat believeable, somewhat mideavil (sp?) like. The armour above is not even close.
Lord_Jaroh's post with the orc pic is actually the first image that I thought of when i seen the barb equip his armour in the gameplay video.
From what I Have seen so far I feel the developer's need to tweak the armour/weapon/character models (Specifically Barbarian).
I am very worried how the rest of classes will look with their armour and weapons....
The Barbarian is not cartoony. - Page 2
It's definitely not going to be an MMORPG. They have made that quite clear already.|||Quote:
I think the Barbarian's armor looks cartoony. There's just... something about him. I think maybe his arms/shoulders might be too big and/or his midsection is too small. To compound it, all the images I can remember of the barbarian at this instance have gigantic shoulder armor.|||hardly cartoony (GW)
total charicature(WoW)
quite cartoony (D3 alpha)
Actually I don't see why you have a thread title like "The Barbarian is not cartoony." but write instead about how D2's graphics weren't years ahead of their time. D3 is certainly less cartoony than Wow, but then Wow is more cartoony than the average cartoon. Other than the shoulders, I like what we've seen of D3's character models.|||Quote:
I think the Barbarian's armor looks cartoony. There's just... something about him. I think maybe his arms/shoulders might be too big and/or his midsection is too small. To compound it, all the images I can remember of the barbarian at this instance have gigantic shoulder armor.

I don't get how big spikey shoulderpads and a badass demon face with horns for a belt is "Cartoony". Spikey shoulderpads, loincloths and such are just traditional accesories for savage barbaric races in fantasy settings.
I dont think he looks very much like an Orc from warcraft. The textures look alot dirtier and crisp than WoW.
Warcraft Orcs = Savage, Barbaric.
Barbarian = Savage, BARBARIC (obvious).
Spikey leather shoulderpads = Barbaric.
Even if there are some similiarities I really don't care if they look a little similiar to Warcraft orcs. They look cool to me and better than anything in WoWs ugly stretched out textures. Plus they're not the only shoulderpad graphics in the game if you really hate them that much.
People are also forgetting about how ridiculous looking alot of barbarian items in d2 were like the jawbone caps and other crazy helmets. When barbarians wore plate mail in D2 it looks absolutely nothing like real platemail, would you consider that cartoony too? They can wield 2 oversized two-handed weapons at the same time and spin a circle.. Isn't that "Cartoony" or "unrealistic"...Who cares? It's cool, it's fantasy and its about beating the crap out of demons.
It doesn't look like a cartoon it's just a pair of spikey shoulderpads on an old barbarian dude who wants to kick some demon ***.|||Quote:
I didn't say anything about Warcraft.
It's just over exaggerated. The horns on the belt are a little much but neat. It's the giant shoulder armor. Not only that, it looks like you can see a gap between his shoulders and the armor, like it's floating around his shoulder instead of resting on it.|||Quote:
hardly cartoony (GW)
total charicature(WoW)
quite cartoony (D3 alpha)
Actually I don't see why you have a thread title like "The Barbarian is not cartoony." but write instead about how D2's graphics weren't years ahead of their time. D3 is certainly less cartoony than Wow, but then Wow is more cartoony than the average cartoon. Other than the shoulders, I like what we've seen of D3's character models.
Honestly those Guild Wars armor sets are just as "Cartoony" as the D3 sets but look much worse and that game was craptastic with slow boring combat + WAYYY too much bloom. 99% of the guild wars armor sets have no basis on reality or real armor. I don't really see the difference except for Diablo 3 looks grittier and darker.
The only class in Diablo II that had realistic armor at all was the Paladin. Every other class looked totally unrealistic and fantasy based as far as armor goes. That's fine too it is a videogame, as long as it looks cool and fits the context of the world it is in it doesn't matter if its realistic or not.
The screenshot of the female barbarian is a still frame up close shot going down some stairs. The game is supposed to be played zoomed way further out. In screenshots you get Jagged lines on the outside but trust me it looks much better in full motion. I admit it doesn't look that great in that crappy screenshot but I just explained why and the armor itself looks fine for a fantasy game. It doesn't really stretch any boundries of the diablo universe.
Everyone needs to stop getting "Cartoony" mixed up with "Fantasy". If the game was totally realistic there would be no demons, skills, town portals, spells, magic items, magic runes, undead and well that you can drink the entirety of instantly + 1000 other things.|||Quote:
People are also forgetting about how ridiculous looking alot of barbarian items in d2 were like the jawbone caps and other crazy helmets. When barbarians wore plate mail in D2 it looks absolutely nothing like real platemail, would you consider that cartoony too? They can wield 2 oversized two-handed weapons at the same time and spin a circle.. Isn't that "Cartoony" or "unrealistic"...Who cares? It's cool, it's fantasy and its about beating the crap out of demons.
Actually I'm pretty sure In D2 none of the char models had massive gargoyles sticking out of their stomachs. Unrealistic isn't a strong enough word, absurd would be more appropriate.
The proportions In WoW, and to a lesser extent D3 alpha, are caricatures of actual human beings. GW, among other many other games, bothers to maintain humanoid dimensions. I'm not sure how you can not see this.|||Quote:
I didn't say anything about Warcraft.
It's just over exaggerated. The horns on the belt are a little much but neat. It's the giant shoulder armor. Not only that, it looks like you can see a gap between his shoulders and the armor, like it's floating around his shoulder instead of resting on it.
I think you are just picking at every tiniest of flaw, which tends to be more of senseless than constructive feedback.|||Quote:
I didn't say anything about Warcraft.
It's just over exaggerated. The horns on the belt are a little much but neat. It's the giant shoulder armor. Not only that, it looks like you can see a gap between his shoulders and the armor, like it's floating around his shoulder instead of resting on it.
I dont think the shoulders are floating. The barbarian has pretty huge shoulders even without those pads on and as far as I can tell the modelers are smart enough to make them not float off the shoulders.
It is other people in threads/petitions/etc. that make the Warcraft comparisons.|||Quote:
Actually I'm pretty sure In D2 none of the char models had massive gargoyles sticking out of their stomachs. Unrealistic isn't a strong enough word, absurd would be more appropriate.
Absurd you mean like the massive horns on the great helms which were just as big and useless as the ones on the barbarians belt? Do you mean absurd like leaping 50 feet in full platemail? Maybe you mean absurd like conjuring a gigantic iceball weighing hundreds of pounds flying across the screen shooting dozens of three foot long icicles at 500lb maggots in the depths of hell?
I think the Barbarian's armor looks cartoony. There's just... something about him. I think maybe his arms/shoulders might be too big and/or his midsection is too small. To compound it, all the images I can remember of the barbarian at this instance have gigantic shoulder armor.|||hardly cartoony (GW)
total charicature(WoW)
quite cartoony (D3 alpha)
Actually I don't see why you have a thread title like "The Barbarian is not cartoony." but write instead about how D2's graphics weren't years ahead of their time. D3 is certainly less cartoony than Wow, but then Wow is more cartoony than the average cartoon. Other than the shoulders, I like what we've seen of D3's character models.|||Quote:
I think the Barbarian's armor looks cartoony. There's just... something about him. I think maybe his arms/shoulders might be too big and/or his midsection is too small. To compound it, all the images I can remember of the barbarian at this instance have gigantic shoulder armor.

I don't get how big spikey shoulderpads and a badass demon face with horns for a belt is "Cartoony". Spikey shoulderpads, loincloths and such are just traditional accesories for savage barbaric races in fantasy settings.
I dont think he looks very much like an Orc from warcraft. The textures look alot dirtier and crisp than WoW.
Warcraft Orcs = Savage, Barbaric.
Barbarian = Savage, BARBARIC (obvious).
Spikey leather shoulderpads = Barbaric.
Even if there are some similiarities I really don't care if they look a little similiar to Warcraft orcs. They look cool to me and better than anything in WoWs ugly stretched out textures. Plus they're not the only shoulderpad graphics in the game if you really hate them that much.
People are also forgetting about how ridiculous looking alot of barbarian items in d2 were like the jawbone caps and other crazy helmets. When barbarians wore plate mail in D2 it looks absolutely nothing like real platemail, would you consider that cartoony too? They can wield 2 oversized two-handed weapons at the same time and spin a circle.. Isn't that "Cartoony" or "unrealistic"...Who cares? It's cool, it's fantasy and its about beating the crap out of demons.
It doesn't look like a cartoon it's just a pair of spikey shoulderpads on an old barbarian dude who wants to kick some demon ***.|||Quote:
I didn't say anything about Warcraft.
It's just over exaggerated. The horns on the belt are a little much but neat. It's the giant shoulder armor. Not only that, it looks like you can see a gap between his shoulders and the armor, like it's floating around his shoulder instead of resting on it.|||Quote:
hardly cartoony (GW)
total charicature(WoW)
quite cartoony (D3 alpha)
Actually I don't see why you have a thread title like "The Barbarian is not cartoony." but write instead about how D2's graphics weren't years ahead of their time. D3 is certainly less cartoony than Wow, but then Wow is more cartoony than the average cartoon. Other than the shoulders, I like what we've seen of D3's character models.
Honestly those Guild Wars armor sets are just as "Cartoony" as the D3 sets but look much worse and that game was craptastic with slow boring combat + WAYYY too much bloom. 99% of the guild wars armor sets have no basis on reality or real armor. I don't really see the difference except for Diablo 3 looks grittier and darker.
The only class in Diablo II that had realistic armor at all was the Paladin. Every other class looked totally unrealistic and fantasy based as far as armor goes. That's fine too it is a videogame, as long as it looks cool and fits the context of the world it is in it doesn't matter if its realistic or not.
The screenshot of the female barbarian is a still frame up close shot going down some stairs. The game is supposed to be played zoomed way further out. In screenshots you get Jagged lines on the outside but trust me it looks much better in full motion. I admit it doesn't look that great in that crappy screenshot but I just explained why and the armor itself looks fine for a fantasy game. It doesn't really stretch any boundries of the diablo universe.
Everyone needs to stop getting "Cartoony" mixed up with "Fantasy". If the game was totally realistic there would be no demons, skills, town portals, spells, magic items, magic runes, undead and well that you can drink the entirety of instantly + 1000 other things.|||Quote:
People are also forgetting about how ridiculous looking alot of barbarian items in d2 were like the jawbone caps and other crazy helmets. When barbarians wore plate mail in D2 it looks absolutely nothing like real platemail, would you consider that cartoony too? They can wield 2 oversized two-handed weapons at the same time and spin a circle.. Isn't that "Cartoony" or "unrealistic"...Who cares? It's cool, it's fantasy and its about beating the crap out of demons.
Actually I'm pretty sure In D2 none of the char models had massive gargoyles sticking out of their stomachs. Unrealistic isn't a strong enough word, absurd would be more appropriate.
The proportions In WoW, and to a lesser extent D3 alpha, are caricatures of actual human beings. GW, among other many other games, bothers to maintain humanoid dimensions. I'm not sure how you can not see this.|||Quote:
I didn't say anything about Warcraft.
It's just over exaggerated. The horns on the belt are a little much but neat. It's the giant shoulder armor. Not only that, it looks like you can see a gap between his shoulders and the armor, like it's floating around his shoulder instead of resting on it.
I think you are just picking at every tiniest of flaw, which tends to be more of senseless than constructive feedback.|||Quote:
I didn't say anything about Warcraft.
It's just over exaggerated. The horns on the belt are a little much but neat. It's the giant shoulder armor. Not only that, it looks like you can see a gap between his shoulders and the armor, like it's floating around his shoulder instead of resting on it.
I dont think the shoulders are floating. The barbarian has pretty huge shoulders even without those pads on and as far as I can tell the modelers are smart enough to make them not float off the shoulders.
It is other people in threads/petitions/etc. that make the Warcraft comparisons.|||Quote:
Actually I'm pretty sure In D2 none of the char models had massive gargoyles sticking out of their stomachs. Unrealistic isn't a strong enough word, absurd would be more appropriate.
Absurd you mean like the massive horns on the great helms which were just as big and useless as the ones on the barbarians belt? Do you mean absurd like leaping 50 feet in full platemail? Maybe you mean absurd like conjuring a gigantic iceball weighing hundreds of pounds flying across the screen shooting dozens of three foot long icicles at 500lb maggots in the depths of hell?
The Barbarian is not cartoony.
For all the people saying the barbarian looks cartoony.
The old barbarian model was more unrealistic than the new one and looked much sillier. The new one is closer to a real life bodybuilder or muscular person and has a much more rugged look. The old one has blobby muscles and just bad anatomy and proportions in general.

The old barbarian combat animations were terrible low-res prerendered 3d sprites doing the same attack motion over and over and whirlwind was just a rotating sprite with a whirling image pasted on top. The new Barbarian animations look so much more brutal and the blood and physics look awesome so it baffles me how Diablo fans could not like it. IT LOOKS SO MUCH MORE FUN.
Corpses disappearing is kind of lame but after a certain amount of time they disappear in Diablo II anyways as well. It was just a demo afterall though and the game is years out.
Witchdoctor is not a freaking Troll from WoW he's based on real life african witchdoctors. They have bone lip piercings, nose piercings, decorative outfits and tribal masks. They have NOTHING to do with WoW Trolls.
Health Orbs just make the game go faster they're no stupider than having a plate belt covered in wacky glue with 16 potions stuck to it that you can drink all at once.
It's not cartoony. I HATE WOW and I would hate if this game looked like WoW BUT.. it looks nothing like WoW it looks like God of War if anything not WoW.
That grass and background looks just like ACT1 of Diablo II. The boss is HUGE AND AWESOME... he bites the freaking barbarians head off in an awesome gorey fashion!!! The game just looks great to me and looks so much fun AND ITS JUST A DEMO.|||Ok, noted.
I find the D3 barbarian alot sexier than D2's
|||But but but.... I don't want him to bite my head off!|||Quote:
But but but.... I don't want him to bite my head off!
Then don't die
. I'm pretty sure it is the same as other games with death animations. It'll only do the kill animation if it lands a hit that would kill you at your current hit point level. So people shouldnt worry about being instantly killed unless they would be otherwise (not enough max hit points or just severely injured so you'd die anyways..etc.)|||I agree with everything you said except the health orbs. Although that's just because my criticism for them isn't based on realism - it's just a personal gameplay preference. Potions were something you could save up and use when necessary. If you're fighting a boss, how do you stay alive now? Either they will still have potions but you have to buy them, or health orbs will drop after certain amounts of damage but not ncessarily death (which, in my opinion, will REALLY suck and just not feel like Diablo at all), or you would have to keep going back to town to heal. The first option makes the health orbs redundant and you might as well have just had potions, the other two are just plain bad in my opinion.|||Quote:
I agree with everything you said except the health orbs. Although that's just because my criticism for them isn't based on realism - it's just a personal gameplay preference. Potions were something you could save up and use when necessary. If you're fighting a boss, how do you stay alive now? Either they will still have potions but you have to buy them, or health orbs will drop after certain amounts of damage but not ncessarily death (which, in my opinion, will REALLY suck and just not feel like Diablo at all), or you would have to keep going back to town to heal. The first option makes the health orbs redundant and you might as well have just had potions, the other two are just plain bad in my opinion.
Potions are still in the game. Health orbs are there just so you don't have to go back to town as often.
edit: I'm pretty sure potions will still drop as well as being bought at towns.|||A thing that sets the health orb apart from potions dropped on the ground is that it heals your whole party if they're close enough and you dont have to equip it like a potion. Graphically they are no more out of place than skill shrines with big giant glowing hands and etc.|||I find their representations within the gameplay different however, with the barbs being more cartoony in Diablo III than in II. The character select screen, not so much. The cut scene, I did not like the look of the characters though, but that is my anti-wowness leaking through.
EDIT: As far as the globes being unrealistic, I do find a difference between them and the shrines. Maybe it's because the shrines are mystical and can have "effects" so to speak (even though I prefer the shrines from DI myself), whereas people and creatures don't "drop" floaty orbs when they die. You can stretch their drops to items and gold, and potions, but not floaty orbs. Change their representation to something less flashy and I'd be okay with them I think.|||bah realism in d3, since when do monsters run around holding some of the stuff they are holding? how can a swarm of itches even hold anything at all? the orbs are fine, cant say i completly agree with them but it will all be fine, wont ruin the game at all.
as for the corpses vanishing, it has to be done if they plan to have that many more monsters on screen at once|||I don't mind anything of this all, in my eyes it doesn't look anything near WOW, it looks MUCH cooler.
The only thing I fear is blizzards mind... maybe they turn the entire game into a MMORPG just like wow... I HATE MMORPG games as I lack a stable internet connection...
FOr the rest I really like what I have seen so far!
The old barbarian model was more unrealistic than the new one and looked much sillier. The new one is closer to a real life bodybuilder or muscular person and has a much more rugged look. The old one has blobby muscles and just bad anatomy and proportions in general.

The old barbarian combat animations were terrible low-res prerendered 3d sprites doing the same attack motion over and over and whirlwind was just a rotating sprite with a whirling image pasted on top. The new Barbarian animations look so much more brutal and the blood and physics look awesome so it baffles me how Diablo fans could not like it. IT LOOKS SO MUCH MORE FUN.
Corpses disappearing is kind of lame but after a certain amount of time they disappear in Diablo II anyways as well. It was just a demo afterall though and the game is years out.
Witchdoctor is not a freaking Troll from WoW he's based on real life african witchdoctors. They have bone lip piercings, nose piercings, decorative outfits and tribal masks. They have NOTHING to do with WoW Trolls.
Health Orbs just make the game go faster they're no stupider than having a plate belt covered in wacky glue with 16 potions stuck to it that you can drink all at once.
It's not cartoony. I HATE WOW and I would hate if this game looked like WoW BUT.. it looks nothing like WoW it looks like God of War if anything not WoW.
That grass and background looks just like ACT1 of Diablo II. The boss is HUGE AND AWESOME... he bites the freaking barbarians head off in an awesome gorey fashion!!! The game just looks great to me and looks so much fun AND ITS JUST A DEMO.|||Ok, noted.
I find the D3 barbarian alot sexier than D2's

But but but.... I don't want him to bite my head off!
Then don't die

I agree with everything you said except the health orbs. Although that's just because my criticism for them isn't based on realism - it's just a personal gameplay preference. Potions were something you could save up and use when necessary. If you're fighting a boss, how do you stay alive now? Either they will still have potions but you have to buy them, or health orbs will drop after certain amounts of damage but not ncessarily death (which, in my opinion, will REALLY suck and just not feel like Diablo at all), or you would have to keep going back to town to heal. The first option makes the health orbs redundant and you might as well have just had potions, the other two are just plain bad in my opinion.
Potions are still in the game. Health orbs are there just so you don't have to go back to town as often.
edit: I'm pretty sure potions will still drop as well as being bought at towns.|||A thing that sets the health orb apart from potions dropped on the ground is that it heals your whole party if they're close enough and you dont have to equip it like a potion. Graphically they are no more out of place than skill shrines with big giant glowing hands and etc.|||I find their representations within the gameplay different however, with the barbs being more cartoony in Diablo III than in II. The character select screen, not so much. The cut scene, I did not like the look of the characters though, but that is my anti-wowness leaking through.
EDIT: As far as the globes being unrealistic, I do find a difference between them and the shrines. Maybe it's because the shrines are mystical and can have "effects" so to speak (even though I prefer the shrines from DI myself), whereas people and creatures don't "drop" floaty orbs when they die. You can stretch their drops to items and gold, and potions, but not floaty orbs. Change their representation to something less flashy and I'd be okay with them I think.|||bah realism in d3, since when do monsters run around holding some of the stuff they are holding? how can a swarm of itches even hold anything at all? the orbs are fine, cant say i completly agree with them but it will all be fine, wont ruin the game at all.
as for the corpses vanishing, it has to be done if they plan to have that many more monsters on screen at once|||I don't mind anything of this all, in my eyes it doesn't look anything near WOW, it looks MUCH cooler.
The only thing I fear is blizzards mind... maybe they turn the entire game into a MMORPG just like wow... I HATE MMORPG games as I lack a stable internet connection...
FOr the rest I really like what I have seen so far!
What do you think "Fury" is ? - Page 3
yeah i agree
Nice to see you're pro abortion...
I'm assuming thats what you agree with at least, since you haven't specified.|||The most interesting part imo is that if you download the gameplay video and full screen it (much, much better resolution), then pause when the user is switching barbarian skills, you can see that one of his skills, warcry i think, uses "Stamina". The other skill like Whirlwind uses "Fury".
So the barbie actually might have 2 sources of skill power.|||My first guess is:
The barbarian bites the throaths of his enemies several times in a terrible rage!
yeah i agree
Nice to see you're pro abortion...
I'm assuming thats what you agree with at least, since you haven't specified.|||The most interesting part imo is that if you download the gameplay video and full screen it (much, much better resolution), then pause when the user is switching barbarian skills, you can see that one of his skills, warcry i think, uses "Stamina". The other skill like Whirlwind uses "Fury".
So the barbie actually might have 2 sources of skill power.|||My first guess is:
The barbarian bites the throaths of his enemies several times in a terrible rage!
What do you think "Fury" is ? - Page 2
IMO stamina = very fast recharging mana
Fury = Fury from City of Villains, damage boost as you build up a Fury Bar.
That would give the Barb an incentive to always be in combat, to keep his fury bar high and gain the ED from that, rather than slowly wandering between combat so his fury bar drops low and he ends up with no ED for the next fight.
I imagine it as an inherent skill (something which I'd like to see every class have, along with an origin bonus)|||Quote:
Has anyone actually seen the fury indicator? I am fairly certain the teal orb was the stamina bar/orb/thing.
*Before there will be 10 posts pop up telling me "LOL NOOB WE KNOW ABOUT FURY FROM GAMEPLAY VIDEO SCREENSHOTS OF SKILL DESCRIPTIONS," I know where people found out about the concept. I am talking about the UI indicator of it, similar to a stamina bar, etc.
I'm with you... I saw a number indicating the "fury" number for a skill, but nothing that would indicate how much you have or how you'd know it was high enough.
My assumption is that stamina is the "mana" for the Barbarian, works exactly the same but decreases quicker and regens quicker. You saw this in the video, the teal-blue orb went to almost empty while the Barb as fighting but always filled back up between battles. The WD's mana orb decreases slower despite spamming pets and swarms and bombs, but took longer to regen.
I don't think Fury is related to those at all, I think Fury is one of the D3 skill trees (or equivalent system mechanic), and you need that many points placed in the Fury tree in order to learn that skill. That's why the numbers were so boring: pretty much 1 or 20 for the skills shown, or zero for some of the skills that probably belonged to a different tree.|||I agree with the 'Stamina as Mana' correlation. The Fury numbers almost sound like Fury is some sort of 'Mastery', where one needs to keep the Fury mastery at a certain level in order to place points into the barbarian's skills.|||In my opinion, Fury is totally independent of his energy orb, and his orb is simply different colored to signify non-mana.
Which is to say, I feel like perhaps Fury will work a bit like Assassin combo points.
I'm probably dreadfully wrong.|||Quote:
In my opinion, Fury is totally independent of his energy orb, and his orb is simply different colored to signify non-mana.
Which is to say, I feel like perhaps Fury will work a bit like Assassin combo points.
I'm probably dreadfully wrong.
It could be, but we never saw ANY indicator of how much "fury" the Barb had built up. That would be a silly mechanic if you had to guess when you had enough :P|||Quote:
It could be, but we never saw ANY indicator of how much "fury" the Barb had built up. That would be a silly mechanic if you had to guess when you had enough :P
Or the UI simply isn't finished yet...
Just like there weren't requirements on items etc...|||Fury is the new Barb mana.
bye bye mana leech|||Quote:
Fury is the new Barb mana.
bye bye mana leech
Hello "recover Fury +X"|||Anyone played titan quest? There you need to spend a number of points into a tree to get the higher level skills in the tree.|||yeah i agree
Fury = Fury from City of Villains, damage boost as you build up a Fury Bar.
That would give the Barb an incentive to always be in combat, to keep his fury bar high and gain the ED from that, rather than slowly wandering between combat so his fury bar drops low and he ends up with no ED for the next fight.
I imagine it as an inherent skill (something which I'd like to see every class have, along with an origin bonus)|||Quote:
Has anyone actually seen the fury indicator? I am fairly certain the teal orb was the stamina bar/orb/thing.
*Before there will be 10 posts pop up telling me "LOL NOOB WE KNOW ABOUT FURY FROM GAMEPLAY VIDEO SCREENSHOTS OF SKILL DESCRIPTIONS," I know where people found out about the concept. I am talking about the UI indicator of it, similar to a stamina bar, etc.
I'm with you... I saw a number indicating the "fury" number for a skill, but nothing that would indicate how much you have or how you'd know it was high enough.
My assumption is that stamina is the "mana" for the Barbarian, works exactly the same but decreases quicker and regens quicker. You saw this in the video, the teal-blue orb went to almost empty while the Barb as fighting but always filled back up between battles. The WD's mana orb decreases slower despite spamming pets and swarms and bombs, but took longer to regen.
I don't think Fury is related to those at all, I think Fury is one of the D3 skill trees (or equivalent system mechanic), and you need that many points placed in the Fury tree in order to learn that skill. That's why the numbers were so boring: pretty much 1 or 20 for the skills shown, or zero for some of the skills that probably belonged to a different tree.|||I agree with the 'Stamina as Mana' correlation. The Fury numbers almost sound like Fury is some sort of 'Mastery', where one needs to keep the Fury mastery at a certain level in order to place points into the barbarian's skills.|||In my opinion, Fury is totally independent of his energy orb, and his orb is simply different colored to signify non-mana.
Which is to say, I feel like perhaps Fury will work a bit like Assassin combo points.
I'm probably dreadfully wrong.|||Quote:
In my opinion, Fury is totally independent of his energy orb, and his orb is simply different colored to signify non-mana.
Which is to say, I feel like perhaps Fury will work a bit like Assassin combo points.
I'm probably dreadfully wrong.
It could be, but we never saw ANY indicator of how much "fury" the Barb had built up. That would be a silly mechanic if you had to guess when you had enough :P|||Quote:
It could be, but we never saw ANY indicator of how much "fury" the Barb had built up. That would be a silly mechanic if you had to guess when you had enough :P
Or the UI simply isn't finished yet...
Just like there weren't requirements on items etc...|||Fury is the new Barb mana.
bye bye mana leech|||Quote:
Fury is the new Barb mana.
bye bye mana leech
Hello "recover Fury +X"|||Anyone played titan quest? There you need to spend a number of points into a tree to get the higher level skills in the tree.|||yeah i agree
What do you think "Fury" is ?
First, I must apologize if this has been discussed before. I couldn't find such a thread though.
Anyway, what do you guys think Fury actually is ? I mean it is pretty evident from the gameplay movie that the Barbarian's mana-orb is teal not blue like the Witch Doctor's.
It would only make sence if it's representing something else than mana. Probably something like Fury or perhaps stamina (of which the last one is is less likely though IMHO ).
But this begs another question. Why let the barb use something else then mana ? There's got to be something more to this than just semantics and color schemes.
What do you guys think. How does fury, or whatever it is differ from mana ? One obvious thing i can think of is, that mana pots won't work for a barb, nor things like mana-steal and such. But could there be something more ?|||I'm thinking the barbarian is using a different power source than mana because it's maybe linked to the energy attribute now, instead of vitality like it was in D2.
As for what fury is, I'm guessing it's something that is built up as you're fighting monsters and wears off after a time, like the skill in d2, only it's merely another stat that's required in order to perform some of the more powerful or cheaper skills the barb's arsenal.
Stamina is most likely that blue-green orb that you see in the gameplay video, though. I don't know what indicates fury, unless it's like Adrenaline in Guildwars, where it charges up the skills in your bar based on the amount of "fury you have.|||It's a rage bauble from WoW, anyone can see that
|||"Fury" is another name for "Mana", just for meelee users. It's not really any different, it's just called something else...at least that's what I believe.
I am hoping for something more, like I wished Stamina had more of an impact of Barb's skills than mana did. But then, if they give the Barb magical attacks, why give him a new ability to do them based off adrenaline. I believe that they should have a Fury bar and a Mana orb if that's the case.|||Quote:
It's a rage bauble from WoW, anyone can see that
Is that a problem?
One could say that Fury is taken from the Hulk comics since it is what gives the incredible Hulk his power, since it wears off as he calms down.
Fury/Rage/Adrenaline isn't exactly a W.O.W exclusive idea.|||Quote:
Is that a problem?
One could say that Fury is taken from the Hulk comics since it is what gives the incredible Hulk his power, since it wears off as he calms down.
Fury/Rage/Adrenaline isn't exactly a W.O.W exclusive idea.
Not really, I kinda like it actually.. Makes the class dynamic in it's killing. I just think it's unfair towards spellcasters unless mana regen is somewhat boosted.|||Quote:
Not really, I kinda like it actually.. Makes the class dynamic in it's killing. I just think it's unfair towards spellcasters unless mana regen is somewhat boosted.
I'm willing to bet that Stamina will decrease as you fight and Fury will increase. I'm also betting that his more powerful skills will require fury, meaning he'll have to build it up, first by using weaker attacks. After using the skill his Fury pool becomes depleted until he is able to build it up some more to use the skill again. Some of those skill's descriptions also stipulated that both Stamina and Fury were required, thus If you don't have the stamina to perform a move then no matter how furious you are you can't use it. Like your barbarian is too tired to use it.
However a sorcerer will be able to use his most powerful spell as soon as he sees his foe and repeatedly until he runs out of mana.|||Quote:
I'm willing to bet that Stamina will decrease as you fight and Fury will increase. I'm also betting that his more powerful skills will require fury, meaning he'll have to build it up, first by using weaker attacks. After using the skill his Fury pool becomes depleted until he is able to build it up some more to use the skill again. Some of those skill's descriptions also stipulated that both Stamina and Fury were required, thus If you don't have the stamina to perform a move then no matter how furious you are you can't use it. Like your barbarian is too tired to use it.
However a sorcerer will be able to use his most powerful spell as soon as he sees his foe and repeatedly until he runs out of mana.
Ah, I haven't really gotten down to watching the teaser that closely. The way you lay it up seems fair enough :P|||Has anyone actually seen the fury indicator? I am fairly certain the teal orb was the stamina bar/orb/thing.
*Before there will be 10 posts pop up telling me "LOL NOOB WE KNOW ABOUT FURY FROM GAMEPLAY VIDEO SCREENSHOTS OF SKILL DESCRIPTIONS," I know where people found out about the concept. I am talking about the UI indicator of it, similar to a stamina bar, etc.|||Quote:
I'm willing to bet that Stamina will decrease as you fight and Fury will increase. I'm also betting that his more powerful skills will require fury, meaning he'll have to build it up, first by using weaker attacks. After using the skill his Fury pool becomes depleted until he is able to build it up some more to use the skill again. Some of those skill's descriptions also stipulated that both Stamina and Fury were required, thus If you don't have the stamina to perform a move then no matter how furious you are you can't use it. Like your barbarian is too tired to use it.
However a sorcerer will be able to use his most powerful spell as soon as he sees his foe and repeatedly until he runs out of mana.
wow, that would be very neat actually
Hope it turns out similary
Anyway, what do you guys think Fury actually is ? I mean it is pretty evident from the gameplay movie that the Barbarian's mana-orb is teal not blue like the Witch Doctor's.
It would only make sence if it's representing something else than mana. Probably something like Fury or perhaps stamina (of which the last one is is less likely though IMHO ).
But this begs another question. Why let the barb use something else then mana ? There's got to be something more to this than just semantics and color schemes.
What do you guys think. How does fury, or whatever it is differ from mana ? One obvious thing i can think of is, that mana pots won't work for a barb, nor things like mana-steal and such. But could there be something more ?|||I'm thinking the barbarian is using a different power source than mana because it's maybe linked to the energy attribute now, instead of vitality like it was in D2.
As for what fury is, I'm guessing it's something that is built up as you're fighting monsters and wears off after a time, like the skill in d2, only it's merely another stat that's required in order to perform some of the more powerful or cheaper skills the barb's arsenal.
Stamina is most likely that blue-green orb that you see in the gameplay video, though. I don't know what indicates fury, unless it's like Adrenaline in Guildwars, where it charges up the skills in your bar based on the amount of "fury you have.|||It's a rage bauble from WoW, anyone can see that

I am hoping for something more, like I wished Stamina had more of an impact of Barb's skills than mana did. But then, if they give the Barb magical attacks, why give him a new ability to do them based off adrenaline. I believe that they should have a Fury bar and a Mana orb if that's the case.|||Quote:
It's a rage bauble from WoW, anyone can see that

Is that a problem?
One could say that Fury is taken from the Hulk comics since it is what gives the incredible Hulk his power, since it wears off as he calms down.
Fury/Rage/Adrenaline isn't exactly a W.O.W exclusive idea.|||Quote:
Is that a problem?
One could say that Fury is taken from the Hulk comics since it is what gives the incredible Hulk his power, since it wears off as he calms down.
Fury/Rage/Adrenaline isn't exactly a W.O.W exclusive idea.
Not really, I kinda like it actually.. Makes the class dynamic in it's killing. I just think it's unfair towards spellcasters unless mana regen is somewhat boosted.|||Quote:
Not really, I kinda like it actually.. Makes the class dynamic in it's killing. I just think it's unfair towards spellcasters unless mana regen is somewhat boosted.
I'm willing to bet that Stamina will decrease as you fight and Fury will increase. I'm also betting that his more powerful skills will require fury, meaning he'll have to build it up, first by using weaker attacks. After using the skill his Fury pool becomes depleted until he is able to build it up some more to use the skill again. Some of those skill's descriptions also stipulated that both Stamina and Fury were required, thus If you don't have the stamina to perform a move then no matter how furious you are you can't use it. Like your barbarian is too tired to use it.
However a sorcerer will be able to use his most powerful spell as soon as he sees his foe and repeatedly until he runs out of mana.|||Quote:
I'm willing to bet that Stamina will decrease as you fight and Fury will increase. I'm also betting that his more powerful skills will require fury, meaning he'll have to build it up, first by using weaker attacks. After using the skill his Fury pool becomes depleted until he is able to build it up some more to use the skill again. Some of those skill's descriptions also stipulated that both Stamina and Fury were required, thus If you don't have the stamina to perform a move then no matter how furious you are you can't use it. Like your barbarian is too tired to use it.
However a sorcerer will be able to use his most powerful spell as soon as he sees his foe and repeatedly until he runs out of mana.
Ah, I haven't really gotten down to watching the teaser that closely. The way you lay it up seems fair enough :P|||Has anyone actually seen the fury indicator? I am fairly certain the teal orb was the stamina bar/orb/thing.
*Before there will be 10 posts pop up telling me "LOL NOOB WE KNOW ABOUT FURY FROM GAMEPLAY VIDEO SCREENSHOTS OF SKILL DESCRIPTIONS," I know where people found out about the concept. I am talking about the UI indicator of it, similar to a stamina bar, etc.|||Quote:
I'm willing to bet that Stamina will decrease as you fight and Fury will increase. I'm also betting that his more powerful skills will require fury, meaning he'll have to build it up, first by using weaker attacks. After using the skill his Fury pool becomes depleted until he is able to build it up some more to use the skill again. Some of those skill's descriptions also stipulated that both Stamina and Fury were required, thus If you don't have the stamina to perform a move then no matter how furious you are you can't use it. Like your barbarian is too tired to use it.
However a sorcerer will be able to use his most powerful spell as soon as he sees his foe and repeatedly until he runs out of mana.
wow, that would be very neat actually

Hope it turns out similary
New/Old Barb Skills... - Page 3
If it were up to me, I'd make barbs unable to use shields, period.
Seriously. A shield on a barb never seemed right to me, and goes against what a barb is supposed to be. It's like seeing a bicycle helmet on the incredible hulk. A barbarian should be wielding weapons that are so big other characters can scarcely pick them up.
Actually 2-handers are something I'd like to see become more viable in general. Aside from the (increasingly rare) barbarian and bowzon, everyone else seems to use a shield in D2.
i never liked shields on barbs either, not because of gameplay but thats just how i see barbs, how i would roleplay one i guess. i would not want to limit barbs from using them though.
i hope d3 allows for more roleplay in the characters, i want to be able to bring several builds through the game of the same char|||I always thought the 2-Handed weapons seemed more suited to the Barb (check out my thread to discuss the ups and downs of 2-Handers). Unfortunately with the exception of certain polearms, using most 2-H weapons turned into a death sentence.
I always thought the barb masteries should've given innate IAS bonuses to the weapons you specialized in. And with the inclusion of Phys immunes, barbs became nearly useless past NM unless you liked playing an extremely slow Concentrate build.
I really hope they handle phys immunity differently this time. It really was a kick in the pants to all melee characters, specifically to the barbs.
Back on-topic...I wonder if Seismic Slam is pure physical damage? I'd love to make a barb specializing in Leap Attack and Seismic Slam.
If it were up to me, I'd make barbs unable to use shields, period.
Seriously. A shield on a barb never seemed right to me, and goes against what a barb is supposed to be. It's like seeing a bicycle helmet on the incredible hulk. A barbarian should be wielding weapons that are so big other characters can scarcely pick them up.
Actually 2-handers are something I'd like to see become more viable in general. Aside from the (increasingly rare) barbarian and bowzon, everyone else seems to use a shield in D2.
i never liked shields on barbs either, not because of gameplay but thats just how i see barbs, how i would roleplay one i guess. i would not want to limit barbs from using them though.
i hope d3 allows for more roleplay in the characters, i want to be able to bring several builds through the game of the same char|||I always thought the 2-Handed weapons seemed more suited to the Barb (check out my thread to discuss the ups and downs of 2-Handers). Unfortunately with the exception of certain polearms, using most 2-H weapons turned into a death sentence.
I always thought the barb masteries should've given innate IAS bonuses to the weapons you specialized in. And with the inclusion of Phys immunes, barbs became nearly useless past NM unless you liked playing an extremely slow Concentrate build.
I really hope they handle phys immunity differently this time. It really was a kick in the pants to all melee characters, specifically to the barbs.
Back on-topic...I wonder if Seismic Slam is pure physical damage? I'd love to make a barb specializing in Leap Attack and Seismic Slam.
New/Old Barb Skills... - Page 2
: ( In one of the screens of the barb its 3 images in one, the middle one seems hes holding a claw, and now someone mentions weapon block...enough to make someone start playing d2 just to get their sin fix again.|||Quote:
Is that based solely on the fact that his "right bulb" is of a different colour than the witch doctor's or has there been any more information on this?
According to the skill descriptions in the video some barbarian skills (Battle Cry and Hammer of the Ancients) use stamina (instead of mana). At the beginning you can see him use Battle Cry and the right bubble decreases - hence it must be a stamina bubble.
One thing still puzzles me though. Furious Charge lists Fury cost instead of Stamina cost, although I haven't made out that "pool" yet.
It might be that they chose the WoW way, where some classes use different pools for their skills (mana, rage, energy).|||It's a nice idea Panaxos, but during the Q&A at the WWI they said they didnt intend to use alternatives to mana.
Though I thought that was quite strange, first of all your statement, as well as the different color of the orb. Plus I dont thinkt he dev really understood the question (damn Frenchies).|||I think leap and whirlwind are good. But it won't be fun if all the skills are from old games. I think the rest of the skills should be new. Frenzy is just too stiff and boring animation. They can ake frenzy back, but in that case, make the animation more agile and less stiff, and make it look like the barb has gone berserk.|||Quote:
I hope they add a lot more original skills. I have played the hell out of the barb. I want something new. And I hope they dont bring back all those useless warcries... only BO and BC were of any use for the majority of players.
And they should give the barb a weapon block skill so that we won't need shields.
You know nothing about Barbs I have a singer that solo's Hell in Lod with nothing but yells and doesn't need any weapons.
Welcome all,
Personally, what Blizzard has shown us so far has brought back so much excitement for this future release, and the barb class looks totally revamped for the better.
Nothing wrong with WW and Leap included, but will they bring back:
Battle Orders
...or other superhuman strength skills with massive power.
This game looks to be awesome not only on the visuals, but the audio as well.
I agree,it looks GREAT.........and,if you watch carefully,you do see the Barb BO a few times.|||Quote:
You know nothing about Barbs I have a singer that solo's Hell in Lod with nothing but yells and doesn't need any weapons.
Buddy I know everything about barbs, and I have made singers as well. They are really cool but even with the best gear they do low damage. Maybe it is possible to beat hell, but that doesn't mean its a good build. It's entertaining but very weak compared to other barb builds.|||I want to see double welded weapons as well as double throwing abilities. It would be so cool.
I liked how one of my thrower Barb could get rid of some sorcs that raged in mad after being defeated xD
They can ake frenzy back, but in that case, make the animation more agile and less stiff, and make it look like the barb has gone berserk.
That should be a must! Then I would love the Barb.|||Am I the only Frenzy lover here? I f**king love that skill! I've found it very much fun and most convenient as barb build. BO + Frenzy + Lifetap = Invincible. If there's Frenzy, that'll probably be my first build. However, it would also be cool if they came up with a new dual wielder skill.|||I used to not like sheild either on barbs but then I tried the ebotdcb and phoenix combo on my ww barb and it changed my mind..u guys shud try it if u haven't yet..
I hope he has some kind of non weapon fighting skills too, kinda like how the assassin kicks (not as martial artsy tho). I think it wud be cool to see him kick some1 in the chest like the king leonitis does in the movie 300 or pick some1 up and throw them or something like that.
And I think he shud have some type of charge up or warcry skill that adds to AR that always was a small problem with me and my barb
Is that based solely on the fact that his "right bulb" is of a different colour than the witch doctor's or has there been any more information on this?
According to the skill descriptions in the video some barbarian skills (Battle Cry and Hammer of the Ancients) use stamina (instead of mana). At the beginning you can see him use Battle Cry and the right bubble decreases - hence it must be a stamina bubble.
One thing still puzzles me though. Furious Charge lists Fury cost instead of Stamina cost, although I haven't made out that "pool" yet.
It might be that they chose the WoW way, where some classes use different pools for their skills (mana, rage, energy).|||It's a nice idea Panaxos, but during the Q&A at the WWI they said they didnt intend to use alternatives to mana.
Though I thought that was quite strange, first of all your statement, as well as the different color of the orb. Plus I dont thinkt he dev really understood the question (damn Frenchies).|||I think leap and whirlwind are good. But it won't be fun if all the skills are from old games. I think the rest of the skills should be new. Frenzy is just too stiff and boring animation. They can ake frenzy back, but in that case, make the animation more agile and less stiff, and make it look like the barb has gone berserk.|||Quote:
I hope they add a lot more original skills. I have played the hell out of the barb. I want something new. And I hope they dont bring back all those useless warcries... only BO and BC were of any use for the majority of players.
And they should give the barb a weapon block skill so that we won't need shields.
You know nothing about Barbs I have a singer that solo's Hell in Lod with nothing but yells and doesn't need any weapons.

Welcome all,
Personally, what Blizzard has shown us so far has brought back so much excitement for this future release, and the barb class looks totally revamped for the better.
Nothing wrong with WW and Leap included, but will they bring back:
Battle Orders
...or other superhuman strength skills with massive power.
This game looks to be awesome not only on the visuals, but the audio as well.
I agree,it looks GREAT.........and,if you watch carefully,you do see the Barb BO a few times.|||Quote:
You know nothing about Barbs I have a singer that solo's Hell in Lod with nothing but yells and doesn't need any weapons.

Buddy I know everything about barbs, and I have made singers as well. They are really cool but even with the best gear they do low damage. Maybe it is possible to beat hell, but that doesn't mean its a good build. It's entertaining but very weak compared to other barb builds.|||I want to see double welded weapons as well as double throwing abilities. It would be so cool.
I liked how one of my thrower Barb could get rid of some sorcs that raged in mad after being defeated xD
They can ake frenzy back, but in that case, make the animation more agile and less stiff, and make it look like the barb has gone berserk.
That should be a must! Then I would love the Barb.|||Am I the only Frenzy lover here? I f**king love that skill! I've found it very much fun and most convenient as barb build. BO + Frenzy + Lifetap = Invincible. If there's Frenzy, that'll probably be my first build. However, it would also be cool if they came up with a new dual wielder skill.|||I used to not like sheild either on barbs but then I tried the ebotdcb and phoenix combo on my ww barb and it changed my mind..u guys shud try it if u haven't yet..
I hope he has some kind of non weapon fighting skills too, kinda like how the assassin kicks (not as martial artsy tho). I think it wud be cool to see him kick some1 in the chest like the king leonitis does in the movie 300 or pick some1 up and throw them or something like that.
And I think he shud have some type of charge up or warcry skill that adds to AR that always was a small problem with me and my barb
New/Old Barb Skills...
Welcome all,
Personally, what Blizzard has shown us so far has brought back so much excitement for this future release, and the barb class looks totally revamped for the better.
Nothing wrong with WW and Leap included, but will they bring back:
Battle Orders
...or other superhuman strength skills with massive power.
This game looks to be awesome not only on the visuals, but the audio as well.|||Like they say in the gameplay trailer: "There's no such thing as too much power!" - sounds fun to me!
|||I wouldn't worry about 'missing' skills at this stage. Because firstly there is only so much you can show in a 20 minute demo shared between 2 classes and secondly, if they wanted to reveal every skill there is, they would have put talent calculators on the website already.
I agree with you that barb got improved drastically. In D2 it was enough to hold your finger on super rejuvenation potion and another in WW. Removal of pots will have big impact to all classes and especially barbarian. Because you won't be able to 'tank' mobs by simply drinking one pot after the other. You will have to leap out of crowd, charge to some distant mob to escape, position yourself and mobs to do maximum damage with that 'bone spear' skill and leap AoE.
I am positive the barb will still be master of arms. Dual wielding, 2H, sword and board. You name it. It is unlikely that you won't have skills to enhance dual wielding, while some of skills logically should benefit mostly from massive 2 handers (WW + charge thing).
<3 barb.|||See thats the thing, you didnt really need pots in LoD for barbs anyway, just stack on some leech for both life and mana, and your away. And as long as you kept swinging (and hitting) you didn't have to leap out of crowds at all.
And this is where my next question lies... will D3 have lifeleech?
If yes, then the no pot scenario will make barbs a very powerful class again...|||@spankeh
I would "expect" D3 to have most everything that D2 has, obviously there are some changes, but something as integral as LL and ML I think will be standbys
HOWEVER, notice that the barb does NOT have mana in the demo video, so the non-magical fighters may have "stamina" or "endurance" or some such thing instead (as to how fast it replenishes and/or ways to make it do so faster are obviously further off)|||Quote:
HOWEVER, notice that the barb does NOT have mana in the demo video, so the non-magical fighters may have "stamina" or "endurance" or some such thing instead (as to how fast it replenishes and/or ways to make it do so faster are obviously further off)
Is that based solely on the fact that his "right bulb" is of a different colour than the witch doctor's or has there been any more information on this?|||Quote:
I am positive the barb will still be master of arms. Dual wielding, 2H, sword and board.
If it were up to me, I'd make barbs unable to use shields, period.
Seriously. A shield on a barb never seemed right to me, and goes against what a barb is supposed to be. It's like seeing a bicycle helmet on the incredible hulk. A barbarian should be wielding weapons that are so big other characters can scarcely pick them up.
Actually 2-handers are something I'd like to see become more viable in general. Aside from the (increasingly rare) barbarian and bowzon, everyone else seems to use a shield in D2.|||Getting just the right amount of mana and life leeching was fun and sometimes challenging. It's also nice to see your life/mana going up after successful WW. I would like to see leeching stat in D3. You say that would make barb very powerful, well I don't really see why. It's not like sorcs ir necros were weaker compared to barb in D2. In the end if you are leeching life back that means you are getting hit. It evens out IMO.|||I hope they add a lot more original skills. I have played the hell out of the barb. I want something new. And I hope they dont bring back all those useless warcries... only BO and BC were of any use for the majority of players.
And they should give the barb a weapon block skill so that we won't need shields.
Actually now that I think about it some more, it would be a HUGE mistake NOT to give the barb weapon block.|||They will probally have some knockback abilities, where the barb really can show off brute strength....and also something that can crush surrondings, some area effect where everybody just get slammed to the ground....
But masteries, maybe somekind of weapon buff, like spikes on his hammer or something like that. there are a lot of options
Personally, what Blizzard has shown us so far has brought back so much excitement for this future release, and the barb class looks totally revamped for the better.
Nothing wrong with WW and Leap included, but will they bring back:
Battle Orders
...or other superhuman strength skills with massive power.
This game looks to be awesome not only on the visuals, but the audio as well.|||Like they say in the gameplay trailer: "There's no such thing as too much power!" - sounds fun to me!

I agree with you that barb got improved drastically. In D2 it was enough to hold your finger on super rejuvenation potion and another in WW. Removal of pots will have big impact to all classes and especially barbarian. Because you won't be able to 'tank' mobs by simply drinking one pot after the other. You will have to leap out of crowd, charge to some distant mob to escape, position yourself and mobs to do maximum damage with that 'bone spear' skill and leap AoE.
I am positive the barb will still be master of arms. Dual wielding, 2H, sword and board. You name it. It is unlikely that you won't have skills to enhance dual wielding, while some of skills logically should benefit mostly from massive 2 handers (WW + charge thing).
<3 barb.|||See thats the thing, you didnt really need pots in LoD for barbs anyway, just stack on some leech for both life and mana, and your away. And as long as you kept swinging (and hitting) you didn't have to leap out of crowds at all.
And this is where my next question lies... will D3 have lifeleech?
If yes, then the no pot scenario will make barbs a very powerful class again...|||@spankeh
I would "expect" D3 to have most everything that D2 has, obviously there are some changes, but something as integral as LL and ML I think will be standbys
HOWEVER, notice that the barb does NOT have mana in the demo video, so the non-magical fighters may have "stamina" or "endurance" or some such thing instead (as to how fast it replenishes and/or ways to make it do so faster are obviously further off)|||Quote:
HOWEVER, notice that the barb does NOT have mana in the demo video, so the non-magical fighters may have "stamina" or "endurance" or some such thing instead (as to how fast it replenishes and/or ways to make it do so faster are obviously further off)
Is that based solely on the fact that his "right bulb" is of a different colour than the witch doctor's or has there been any more information on this?|||Quote:
I am positive the barb will still be master of arms. Dual wielding, 2H, sword and board.
If it were up to me, I'd make barbs unable to use shields, period.
Seriously. A shield on a barb never seemed right to me, and goes against what a barb is supposed to be. It's like seeing a bicycle helmet on the incredible hulk. A barbarian should be wielding weapons that are so big other characters can scarcely pick them up.
Actually 2-handers are something I'd like to see become more viable in general. Aside from the (increasingly rare) barbarian and bowzon, everyone else seems to use a shield in D2.|||Getting just the right amount of mana and life leeching was fun and sometimes challenging. It's also nice to see your life/mana going up after successful WW. I would like to see leeching stat in D3. You say that would make barb very powerful, well I don't really see why. It's not like sorcs ir necros were weaker compared to barb in D2. In the end if you are leeching life back that means you are getting hit. It evens out IMO.|||I hope they add a lot more original skills. I have played the hell out of the barb. I want something new. And I hope they dont bring back all those useless warcries... only BO and BC were of any use for the majority of players.
And they should give the barb a weapon block skill so that we won't need shields.
Actually now that I think about it some more, it would be a HUGE mistake NOT to give the barb weapon block.|||They will probally have some knockback abilities, where the barb really can show off brute strength....and also something that can crush surrondings, some area effect where everybody just get slammed to the ground....
But masteries, maybe somekind of weapon buff, like spikes on his hammer or something like that. there are a lot of options

Different skill trees !! - Page 2
Basically stuff that makes sense to use with any weapon. It just wouldn't make sense to put in a skill that impales enemies, and then use it with a hammer.
"There's no such thing as too much power"
I'd love to impale someone with a hammer
Basically stuff that makes sense to use with any weapon. It just wouldn't make sense to put in a skill that impales enemies, and then use it with a hammer.
"There's no such thing as too much power"
I'd love to impale someone with a hammer

Different skill trees !!
well when me and my friend both started barbs i found the skill trees =to be very limited... One of the trees is JUST for masteries.. 90% of thought through barbs will only use 1 mayb 2 (for natural res) from this tree..
Another thing is the lack of mana efficient AoE (WW costs a big chunk of mana) sorry if im wrong if WW goes down is mana cost with higher skill... i quit my barb after lvl 38 because of the lack of variety i felt..
here are the 3 skill trees i think there should be:
Swords and Axes
3 different paths in the tree,
1 for swords (left, masteries and mayb somehings like slice and dice)
1 for axe (right, again masteries and mayb something like Cyclone that hits all adjacent enemies)
1 for attacks that can be used in both.. A varient of WW (thats going in next tree) and some other general skills and passives like extra crit strike..
Maces and two handed Weapons (poles, Bardiches, Spear and things)
3 paths again very similar to last tree
1 Maces (masteries and some skills like 'Skull Crack' and blunt like skills.
1 for 2 handed weapons (WW and masteries ]maybe a skill that allows Dual Wield and more points = more damage at max skill it could be somehting like 75:75 damage]
1 for more passives and other skills ... Maybe a crack armor skill that lowers targets defence by half? or target takes double damage from physical attacks for 10 seconds...
And ofcourse Party/Shouts..
pretty much the same shouts as D2 i thought they were the only versatile part of barb in D2...
well if anybody has opinions on this would be happy to hear them
|||There's going to be a whole different skill system apparently. So skill trees will most likely be dumped.|||Weapon masteries - Consisting of weapon specific skills.
Combat mastery - Movement and general skills, Dash, leap, WW
Warcrys - shout etc.
IF they arent skills, they're going to be something like talents ala wow i think.|||i'm not a big fan of limiting skills by weapon type. One hand vs. two hand, maybe; it would be cool if there were some moves that could only be done with 2 handed weapons; huge powerful swings and such. And by the same token there'd need to be some quicker, fast/close hits that could only be done with one handed weapons.
But to have sword vs. axe, or other such divisions would really limit the gameplay. If there's a cool skill you want to use it whether you're a sword or mace or spear barb, and I'll be surprised if blizzard goes that route.|||Quote:
i'm not a big fan of limiting skills by weapon type. One hand vs. two hand, maybe; it would be cool if there were some moves that could only be done with 2 handed weapons; huge powerful swings and such. And by the same token there'd need to be some quicker, fast/close hits that could only be done with one handed weapons.
But to have sword vs. axe, or other such divisions would really limit the gameplay. If there's a cool skill you want to use it whether you're a sword or mace or spear barb, and I'll be surprised if blizzard goes that route.
I dunno. No one complained about the limitations of amazons to spears javelins and bows.
That said, I just don't think it makes sense to have a skill that is meant to send a shockwave through the ground, performable by a sword. Likewise I think certain skills would make more sense with swords.
Perhaps just dividing by subset would make sense. Pericing attacks (spears), Slicing attacks(Swords / Axes) and Blunt attacks(Hammers / Maces). As long as they provide a different gameplay experience from one another, and there are different options with each weapon, I think it will be fine and wont feel restrictive. It was only silly in D2 because all weapons were BASICALLY the same, with the exception that you were gimped if you didn't dump your skill points into the right mastery. I Think if they play different it will add more variety to the game, rather than simply being less restrictive.
I'd prefer they didn't divide them between dw and 2h though
Either way I think one of the trees will be a weapon mastery tree. Whether that means weapon restricted attacks, or simple weapon based attacks could be up in the air. Of course I could be wrong but whatevs.|||Some skills maybe don't have be weapon based at all? Such as stomp, leap and these.|||Quote:
Some skills maybe don't have be weapon based at all? Such as stomp, leap and these.
Yeah, Stomp, leap, charge, whirlwind, probably some other basic skills, berserk if it's in. Basically stuff that makes sense to use with any weapon. It just wouldn't make sense to put in a skill that impales enemies, and then use it with a hammer.
I just forsee the big aoe / more powerful skills being weapon restricted. That's just my vision of D3 though and the dev's probably have a different one.|||Quote:
There's going to be a whole different skill system apparently. So skill trees will most likely be dumped.
I dunno... D2 had skill trees and they were successful. WoW has talent trees, and they're obviously successful. Seems like if their top 2 games in the last decade included that mechanic they'd have something similar in D3.
Could be completely redesigned, but I see them having trees of some sort. That's the only way to create variety between two characters of the same class.
Also, the devs mentioned something about respecs being in the game in some fashion, which would lead me to believe there will be choices you have to make between skills. So unless there's just one big pool of skills you can choose from with no level or pre-req requirements, it will take the form of one or more "trees".|||I bet there will still be a tree system, but I doubt they'll be grouped into three panels as in D2. They no longer need to preserve the half-screen UI window theme.|||yeah, theres gotta be a skill system or something of that kind. otherwise character progression would lack something. im a barb fan and i love swords and i was a tad disappointed when i learned that axes (nothing against them, but just love swords) were the strongest weapons in most cases.
regarding skills in general: like in d2, with patches and expansions, the gameplay is gonna change. skilling and statting will evolve and many builds from the first version wont work anymore later, but theres gonna be new builds, new weapons that will make make even more builds possible.
Another thing is the lack of mana efficient AoE (WW costs a big chunk of mana) sorry if im wrong if WW goes down is mana cost with higher skill... i quit my barb after lvl 38 because of the lack of variety i felt..
here are the 3 skill trees i think there should be:
Swords and Axes
3 different paths in the tree,
1 for swords (left, masteries and mayb somehings like slice and dice)
1 for axe (right, again masteries and mayb something like Cyclone that hits all adjacent enemies)
1 for attacks that can be used in both.. A varient of WW (thats going in next tree) and some other general skills and passives like extra crit strike..
Maces and two handed Weapons (poles, Bardiches, Spear and things)
3 paths again very similar to last tree
1 Maces (masteries and some skills like 'Skull Crack' and blunt like skills.
1 for 2 handed weapons (WW and masteries ]maybe a skill that allows Dual Wield and more points = more damage at max skill it could be somehting like 75:75 damage]
1 for more passives and other skills ... Maybe a crack armor skill that lowers targets defence by half? or target takes double damage from physical attacks for 10 seconds...
And ofcourse Party/Shouts..
pretty much the same shouts as D2 i thought they were the only versatile part of barb in D2...
well if anybody has opinions on this would be happy to hear them

Combat mastery - Movement and general skills, Dash, leap, WW
Warcrys - shout etc.
IF they arent skills, they're going to be something like talents ala wow i think.|||i'm not a big fan of limiting skills by weapon type. One hand vs. two hand, maybe; it would be cool if there were some moves that could only be done with 2 handed weapons; huge powerful swings and such. And by the same token there'd need to be some quicker, fast/close hits that could only be done with one handed weapons.
But to have sword vs. axe, or other such divisions would really limit the gameplay. If there's a cool skill you want to use it whether you're a sword or mace or spear barb, and I'll be surprised if blizzard goes that route.|||Quote:
i'm not a big fan of limiting skills by weapon type. One hand vs. two hand, maybe; it would be cool if there were some moves that could only be done with 2 handed weapons; huge powerful swings and such. And by the same token there'd need to be some quicker, fast/close hits that could only be done with one handed weapons.
But to have sword vs. axe, or other such divisions would really limit the gameplay. If there's a cool skill you want to use it whether you're a sword or mace or spear barb, and I'll be surprised if blizzard goes that route.
I dunno. No one complained about the limitations of amazons to spears javelins and bows.
That said, I just don't think it makes sense to have a skill that is meant to send a shockwave through the ground, performable by a sword. Likewise I think certain skills would make more sense with swords.
Perhaps just dividing by subset would make sense. Pericing attacks (spears), Slicing attacks(Swords / Axes) and Blunt attacks(Hammers / Maces). As long as they provide a different gameplay experience from one another, and there are different options with each weapon, I think it will be fine and wont feel restrictive. It was only silly in D2 because all weapons were BASICALLY the same, with the exception that you were gimped if you didn't dump your skill points into the right mastery. I Think if they play different it will add more variety to the game, rather than simply being less restrictive.
I'd prefer they didn't divide them between dw and 2h though

Either way I think one of the trees will be a weapon mastery tree. Whether that means weapon restricted attacks, or simple weapon based attacks could be up in the air. Of course I could be wrong but whatevs.|||Some skills maybe don't have be weapon based at all? Such as stomp, leap and these.|||Quote:
Some skills maybe don't have be weapon based at all? Such as stomp, leap and these.
Yeah, Stomp, leap, charge, whirlwind, probably some other basic skills, berserk if it's in. Basically stuff that makes sense to use with any weapon. It just wouldn't make sense to put in a skill that impales enemies, and then use it with a hammer.
I just forsee the big aoe / more powerful skills being weapon restricted. That's just my vision of D3 though and the dev's probably have a different one.|||Quote:
There's going to be a whole different skill system apparently. So skill trees will most likely be dumped.
I dunno... D2 had skill trees and they were successful. WoW has talent trees, and they're obviously successful. Seems like if their top 2 games in the last decade included that mechanic they'd have something similar in D3.
Could be completely redesigned, but I see them having trees of some sort. That's the only way to create variety between two characters of the same class.
Also, the devs mentioned something about respecs being in the game in some fashion, which would lead me to believe there will be choices you have to make between skills. So unless there's just one big pool of skills you can choose from with no level or pre-req requirements, it will take the form of one or more "trees".|||I bet there will still be a tree system, but I doubt they'll be grouped into three panels as in D2. They no longer need to preserve the half-screen UI window theme.|||yeah, theres gotta be a skill system or something of that kind. otherwise character progression would lack something. im a barb fan and i love swords and i was a tad disappointed when i learned that axes (nothing against them, but just love swords) were the strongest weapons in most cases.
regarding skills in general: like in d2, with patches and expansions, the gameplay is gonna change. skilling and statting will evolve and many builds from the first version wont work anymore later, but theres gonna be new builds, new weapons that will make make even more builds possible.
Confirmated Skill Tree Name - Page 3
maybe wrong order|||Um, please remember that stuff is subject to change, and we really don't always know where did the stuff on wiki come from.|||lawl *ignore death*
"gawd, go away Death ur so annoying!"|||I really like how everything looks right now! And yes, the skill trees for the barbarian look pretty nifty!|||Quote:
lawl *ignore death*
"gawd, go away Death ur so annoying!"
However the Barb seems to have such a skill, found under the Battlemaster skills :-D
Death Proof
Upon receiving fatal damage, the Barbarian is kept alive and gains XX% of maximum health. This effect cannot occur more than once every XXX seconds.|||flux posted barbarian skill in the wiki
"gawd, go away Death ur so annoying!"|||I really like how everything looks right now! And yes, the skill trees for the barbarian look pretty nifty!|||Quote:
lawl *ignore death*
"gawd, go away Death ur so annoying!"
However the Barb seems to have such a skill, found under the Battlemaster skills :-D
Death Proof
Upon receiving fatal damage, the Barbarian is kept alive and gains XX% of maximum health. This effect cannot occur more than once every XXX seconds.|||flux posted barbarian skill in the wiki
Confirmated Skill Tree Name - Page 2
Haven't you read that yet? http://diablo.wikia.com/wiki/Barbarian_(Diablo_III)
Click each skill and you'll have a brief description about it.|||what is fury?? no mana??|||Fury is gained while you are killing and getting hurt. Like vampire frenzy. Some skill will need it to be triggered, others will use stamina and others both.|||are there fury and stamina orbs?|||Interesting. Seems reminiscent of the WoW Warrior talent trees, but not anywhere close to being as specialized. Just general themes:
Berzerker is IAS, Dual Weild, and AoE attacks
Juggernaut is Damage, Two Handers, status effects, and AoE attacks.
Battlemaster is Damage, Shield, and lots of Defense.
All three trees make you kill faster and last longer, just in different ways.|||Quote:
Haven't you read that yet? http://diablo.wikia.com/wiki/Barbarian_(Diablo_III)
Click each skill and you'll have a brief description about it.
Ahh the link I was waiting for
|||LOL. Juggernaut tree has 3 level 1 skills but no passive to get to the 5 point requirement for tier 2 skills.|||Quote:
are there fury and stamina orbs?
As I said before Fury is obtained by fighting mobs and stamina is regenerated. I didn't see any stamina orbs so far.|||Quote:
LOL. Juggernaut tree has 3 level 1 skills but no passive to get to the 5 point requirement for tier 2 skills.
not, juggernaut tier 1 has one active skill (bash) and 3 passive
|||So the wiki is wrong.
Way wrong.
Click each skill and you'll have a brief description about it.|||what is fury?? no mana??|||Fury is gained while you are killing and getting hurt. Like vampire frenzy. Some skill will need it to be triggered, others will use stamina and others both.|||are there fury and stamina orbs?|||Interesting. Seems reminiscent of the WoW Warrior talent trees, but not anywhere close to being as specialized. Just general themes:
Berzerker is IAS, Dual Weild, and AoE attacks
Juggernaut is Damage, Two Handers, status effects, and AoE attacks.
Battlemaster is Damage, Shield, and lots of Defense.
All three trees make you kill faster and last longer, just in different ways.|||Quote:
Haven't you read that yet? http://diablo.wikia.com/wiki/Barbarian_(Diablo_III)
Click each skill and you'll have a brief description about it.
Ahh the link I was waiting for

are there fury and stamina orbs?
As I said before Fury is obtained by fighting mobs and stamina is regenerated. I didn't see any stamina orbs so far.|||Quote:
LOL. Juggernaut tree has 3 level 1 skills but no passive to get to the 5 point requirement for tier 2 skills.
not, juggernaut tier 1 has one active skill (bash) and 3 passive

Way wrong.
Confirmated Skill Tree Name
The barbarian skill tree:
Juggernaut|||Source? Linky? Citation? Proof? DNA evidence? Pics? Witness?|||pics
http://www.joystiq.com/photos/blizzc.../1093568/full/|||Hot dang, I approve!
All three skill trees sound like non-stop pain for things in the Barb's way.|||I suppose Berserker = high damage, battlemaster is more tactical, and Juggernaut is about being big and healthy...|||More like, Berzerker = smash their face better, Battlemaster = smash their face smarter, Juggernaut = smash their face nonstop|||without even looking at the skills i am going pure juggernaut tree just cause its the coolest sounding tree ever. i named my barb in d2 juggernaut so it kinda fits lol|||If you look at the pics you'll see some more 'new' skills like Ignore Pain, Perseverance, Power of the Battlemaster, Iron Skin and Battle Rage.
All Battlemaster skills if I'm correct.
This is what I make of them:
Battle Rage [Warcry?]
The Barbarian enters a rage which increases damage done by 100% and increases Critical Hit damage with 50%. Lasts for 15 seconds.
Fury cost: 50.
Perseverance [PASSIVE]
Increases the duration of Battle Rage, Battle Cry and Ignore Pain with 10%.
Power of the Battlemaster [PASSIVE]
Increases damage of all Battlemaster skills by 10%.
Ignore Pain [PASSIVE]
I'm guessing something like damage reduction..?
Iron Skin [PASSIVE]
Toughens the Barbarian's shield and bodyarmor(?) by +10%.|||Quote:
Ignore Pain [PASSIVE]
I'm guessing something like damage reduction..?
If Blizz wants to keep things simple, DR seems like a good bet. If they want to go a little more in depth, the choice of words in Ignore Pain interests me. They didn't call it Negate Damage or Deflect Blow. IP could have a negative effect like Berserk's zero defense or Sacrifice's negative life leech since...you can ignore pain but that doesn't mean it's not there.
Overall I am pumped for the direction the Barb appears to be taking. Everything so far is devoted to dishing out major hurt. Even the skill tree names are bad ***.
EDIT: Jaxxkelly: I like it! That would really emphasize the tank aspect of the barb.|||Or maybe Ingnore Pain could be something like, when you have zero health left the barb can continue for say 2 seconds to get to that one health orb to regain some life... or die trying!
Or maybe that skill better could be called Ignore Death.
Juggernaut|||Source? Linky? Citation? Proof? DNA evidence? Pics? Witness?|||pics
http://www.joystiq.com/photos/blizzc.../1093568/full/|||Hot dang, I approve!
All three skill trees sound like non-stop pain for things in the Barb's way.|||I suppose Berserker = high damage, battlemaster is more tactical, and Juggernaut is about being big and healthy...|||More like, Berzerker = smash their face better, Battlemaster = smash their face smarter, Juggernaut = smash their face nonstop|||without even looking at the skills i am going pure juggernaut tree just cause its the coolest sounding tree ever. i named my barb in d2 juggernaut so it kinda fits lol|||If you look at the pics you'll see some more 'new' skills like Ignore Pain, Perseverance, Power of the Battlemaster, Iron Skin and Battle Rage.
All Battlemaster skills if I'm correct.
This is what I make of them:
Battle Rage [Warcry?]
The Barbarian enters a rage which increases damage done by 100% and increases Critical Hit damage with 50%. Lasts for 15 seconds.
Fury cost: 50.
Perseverance [PASSIVE]
Increases the duration of Battle Rage, Battle Cry and Ignore Pain with 10%.
Power of the Battlemaster [PASSIVE]
Increases damage of all Battlemaster skills by 10%.
Ignore Pain [PASSIVE]
I'm guessing something like damage reduction..?
Iron Skin [PASSIVE]
Toughens the Barbarian's shield and bodyarmor(?) by +10%.|||Quote:
Ignore Pain [PASSIVE]
I'm guessing something like damage reduction..?
If Blizz wants to keep things simple, DR seems like a good bet. If they want to go a little more in depth, the choice of words in Ignore Pain interests me. They didn't call it Negate Damage or Deflect Blow. IP could have a negative effect like Berserk's zero defense or Sacrifice's negative life leech since...you can ignore pain but that doesn't mean it's not there.
Overall I am pumped for the direction the Barb appears to be taking. Everything so far is devoted to dishing out major hurt. Even the skill tree names are bad ***.
EDIT: Jaxxkelly: I like it! That would really emphasize the tank aspect of the barb.|||Or maybe Ingnore Pain could be something like, when you have zero health left the barb can continue for say 2 seconds to get to that one health orb to regain some life... or die trying!
Or maybe that skill better could be called Ignore Death.
Will 2-Handed Axes/Swords/Hammers be more useful this time? - Page 2
Plus, that Shockwave skill. It deals a % multiplier of your damage, naturally it works best with a 2 hander.|||I really hope that two handers become viable as well. I for one would love the idea of playing a Barb swinging around a massive, 5 foot long zweihander decapitating several bad guys at once
|||I'm also interested in the combination of a (slowish) 2 handed skill combined with for example a multistrike rune. Would that speed it up?|||Quote:
But D3 now has this nifty skill -
All that ED%, spread over multiple targets...
Then again, D2 has whirlwind (as does D3 but that's not the point), which does exactly that.|||Well, I think that Dual Wielding will be slightly better at wiping out smaller mobs of tougher enemies, while 2 Handers will handle swarms better.|||Quote:
Then again, D2 has whirlwind (as does D3 but that's not the point), which does exactly that.
True, but Whirlwind relied too much on weapon attack speed to spread the damage, so clunky 2h weapons were out of the question. Cleave spreads it nicely with a single hit. It's actually like Dragon Tail... if DTail damage were to depend on your weapon instead of your boots.|||i really liked the feel i got from the hammer in the WWI video. it just swung very nicely and hit with such power (the physix was very attractive too of course
) and it didnt seem like the whirlwind in d3 was based off weapon speed. so it may make 2h weapons more viable.
ill probably be going 2h weapons
big dmg is ftw =] plus enraging charge = <3 haha

But D3 now has this nifty skill -
All that ED%, spread over multiple targets...

Then again, D2 has whirlwind (as does D3 but that's not the point), which does exactly that.|||Well, I think that Dual Wielding will be slightly better at wiping out smaller mobs of tougher enemies, while 2 Handers will handle swarms better.|||Quote:
Then again, D2 has whirlwind (as does D3 but that's not the point), which does exactly that.
True, but Whirlwind relied too much on weapon attack speed to spread the damage, so clunky 2h weapons were out of the question. Cleave spreads it nicely with a single hit. It's actually like Dragon Tail... if DTail damage were to depend on your weapon instead of your boots.|||i really liked the feel i got from the hammer in the WWI video. it just swung very nicely and hit with such power (the physix was very attractive too of course

ill probably be going 2h weapons

Will 2-Handed Axes/Swords/Hammers be more useful this time?
Topic title says it all. One thing I didnt like was that the vast majority of 2-handed weapons (barring polearms) were usually far inferior to their 1-handed counterparts.
I do like the 2-handed fiery maul they showed in the gameplay vid. Hopefully the bigger swords and axes will have the satisfying quality of totally demolishing monsters in a swing or two.|||I would think so, in d2 1 handed+shield was best. i believe they will try their best to balance things this time
|||Lets hope they take the extra time to tweak weapon dps. Imho, 2-handed (vanilla)weapons should always out-damage 1-handed (also vanilla) weapons. The trade off, of course, is less defensive ability due to the lack of a shield.|||i may be way off here but i remember a time when 2 handed weapons where the best items for a barb, polearms to be exact|||Quote:
i may be way off here but i remember a time when 2 handed weapons where the best items for a barb, polearms to be exact
They were the best in D2 classic. But 2-handed swords, axes and clubs were still less than desirable. Polearms were best due to their range, making them ideal WW weapons.|||There is a Assassin skill in d2 right now that does what they need to do in d3 for 2-handers and dual-weilders
Weapon block and weapon defense.
You can block an incoming blow with a weapon, probably not as well as with a shield, but you can do it. Maybe it would be too complex to give weapons defense and block values, but a polearm should have a decent chance to block.|||Actually polearms are horrible defensive weapons; they're too slow and unwieldy. The best defensive weapon is probably a staff or short sword. I like the idea of giving weapons a weapon block rating, especially if there is are skills like overpower and riposte from WOW which are basically reactive skills.|||Quote:
Actually polearms are horrible defensive weapons; they're too slow and unwieldy. The best defensive weapon is probably a staff or short sword. I like the idea of giving weapons a weapon block rating, especially if there is are skills like overpower and riposte from WOW which are basically reactive skills.
Giving staves a inherent block % might actually make people use them in melee! Doubtful that it will happen though.|||Hopefully they'll add a slightly different look to the weapons this time.
In Diablo 2, all the swords looked pretty much the same when wielded.|||I think the developers are aware of this, since they've introduced a new barb skill:
Two-Handed Weapon Specialization - Increases physical damage dealt with two-handed weapons by X%
Also, a problem with 2h weapons was that the slow attack speed meant that even if you could kill any enemy in a single blow, there was a significant delay before you could kill another, during which you could be repeatedly interrupted because of the lack of a shield.
But D3 now has this nifty skill -
Cleave -The Barbarian swings at multiple targets, dealing 130% of weapon damage at up to 2 targets.
All that ED%, spread over multiple targets...
I do like the 2-handed fiery maul they showed in the gameplay vid. Hopefully the bigger swords and axes will have the satisfying quality of totally demolishing monsters in a swing or two.|||I would think so, in d2 1 handed+shield was best. i believe they will try their best to balance things this time

i may be way off here but i remember a time when 2 handed weapons where the best items for a barb, polearms to be exact
They were the best in D2 classic. But 2-handed swords, axes and clubs were still less than desirable. Polearms were best due to their range, making them ideal WW weapons.|||There is a Assassin skill in d2 right now that does what they need to do in d3 for 2-handers and dual-weilders
Weapon block and weapon defense.
You can block an incoming blow with a weapon, probably not as well as with a shield, but you can do it. Maybe it would be too complex to give weapons defense and block values, but a polearm should have a decent chance to block.|||Actually polearms are horrible defensive weapons; they're too slow and unwieldy. The best defensive weapon is probably a staff or short sword. I like the idea of giving weapons a weapon block rating, especially if there is are skills like overpower and riposte from WOW which are basically reactive skills.|||Quote:
Actually polearms are horrible defensive weapons; they're too slow and unwieldy. The best defensive weapon is probably a staff or short sword. I like the idea of giving weapons a weapon block rating, especially if there is are skills like overpower and riposte from WOW which are basically reactive skills.
Giving staves a inherent block % might actually make people use them in melee! Doubtful that it will happen though.|||Hopefully they'll add a slightly different look to the weapons this time.
In Diablo 2, all the swords looked pretty much the same when wielded.|||I think the developers are aware of this, since they've introduced a new barb skill:
Two-Handed Weapon Specialization - Increases physical damage dealt with two-handed weapons by X%
Also, a problem with 2h weapons was that the slow attack speed meant that even if you could kill any enemy in a single blow, there was a significant delay before you could kill another, during which you could be repeatedly interrupted because of the lack of a shield.
But D3 now has this nifty skill -
Cleave -The Barbarian swings at multiple targets, dealing 130% of weapon damage at up to 2 targets.
All that ED%, spread over multiple targets...

Bashiok's favorite D3 character... - Page 2
would a Hellboy type character be too similar to the barb?
It might be concivable that with all those demons running around. A demi demon(half human half demon) be concived. Torn between good and evil a true outcast trying to right the wrongs in order to gain acceptance...Maybe this idea has been over done.|||barb of course yo! they do it all baby. they can tank and they can dish out the pain while looking hella cool in heavy armor. and arent some whimpy sorcerer that has to run away when the baddies get to close :P|||The Humans in sanctuary are already hybrid Angle and Demon.
It might be concivable that with all those demons running around. A demi demon(half human half demon) be concived. Torn between good and evil a true outcast trying to right the wrongs in order to gain acceptance...Maybe this idea has been over done.|||barb of course yo! they do it all baby. they can tank and they can dish out the pain while looking hella cool in heavy armor. and arent some whimpy sorcerer that has to run away when the baddies get to close :P|||The Humans in sanctuary are already hybrid Angle and Demon.
Bashiok's favorite D3 character...
Chatting with D3 CM Bashiok this afternoon about a cool thing we'll probably be able to announce tomorrow, I asked him which was his favorite character to play right now: Barb, WD, or other.
Bashiok: i always like melee in any game i play, so barb still
Bashiok: "other" may apply too but i won't get in to that
Flux: "bashiok confirms there are no other melee chars in d3 but the barbarian"
Flux: *cough*
Bashiok: haha exactly
Bashiok: hrm, how can i backtrack out of that one peacefully...
Bashiok: uh... out of the classes that are in a playable state, the barbarian is my favorite
There aren't any big conclusions to draw from this. I just thought it was an interesting tidbit. I left the joke in so you can see that he's not saying there aren't any other melee chars, and he's not saying that barbs can only be played melee, etc. He's just saying that of the current chars, the one that's most fun with his preferred play style is the barb.
You may, however, join me in grinding your teeth that other people are playing Diablo 3 right now, while you're not.|||Well, with a name like Bashiok...|||Quote:
You may, however, join me in grinding your teeth that other people are playing Diablo 3 right now, while you're not.
Painful. How long was D2 'playable' before it was released? Years?|||I imagine it was playable until the developers became bored with the game, so they released D2 and then started working on Diablo III.|||Comparing time zones, my today is your tomorrow Flux. Can I hear the announcement now? plix plix plix
Comparing time zones, my today is your tomorrow Flux. Can I hear the announcement now? plix plix plix
Sure. You just have to convince Bashiok to give me the cool things now, so I can then relay them to you guys. GL w/ that.
Also, it's not a diablo 3 info thing, so don't get your hopes up too high.|||Suppose we know who Bashiok's going to avoid talking to from now on :P|||The cool stuff has arrived...|||I wonder if the Barbarian's ability to uh.... move around so freely?.... is part of it. I mean wow, looking at the gameplay video makes me excited for this too! Melee in D2 was.... alright. But with the mad skills the Barb has in D3, I can easily see that. I wish all the other characters will have such a unique gameplay, not so happy with WD so far, but who knows? eh|||Sigh.... I really wish I would've accepted the offer of those BlizzCon tickets...
Bashiok: i always like melee in any game i play, so barb still
Bashiok: "other" may apply too but i won't get in to that

Flux: "bashiok confirms there are no other melee chars in d3 but the barbarian"
Flux: *cough*
Bashiok: haha exactly
Bashiok: hrm, how can i backtrack out of that one peacefully...
Bashiok: uh... out of the classes that are in a playable state, the barbarian is my favorite

There aren't any big conclusions to draw from this. I just thought it was an interesting tidbit. I left the joke in so you can see that he's not saying there aren't any other melee chars, and he's not saying that barbs can only be played melee, etc. He's just saying that of the current chars, the one that's most fun with his preferred play style is the barb.
You may, however, join me in grinding your teeth that other people are playing Diablo 3 right now, while you're not.|||Well, with a name like Bashiok...|||Quote:
You may, however, join me in grinding your teeth that other people are playing Diablo 3 right now, while you're not.
Painful. How long was D2 'playable' before it was released? Years?|||I imagine it was playable until the developers became bored with the game, so they released D2 and then started working on Diablo III.|||Comparing time zones, my today is your tomorrow Flux. Can I hear the announcement now? plix plix plix

Comparing time zones, my today is your tomorrow Flux. Can I hear the announcement now? plix plix plix

Sure. You just have to convince Bashiok to give me the cool things now, so I can then relay them to you guys. GL w/ that.
Also, it's not a diablo 3 info thing, so don't get your hopes up too high.|||Suppose we know who Bashiok's going to avoid talking to from now on :P|||The cool stuff has arrived...|||I wonder if the Barbarian's ability to uh.... move around so freely?.... is part of it. I mean wow, looking at the gameplay video makes me excited for this too! Melee in D2 was.... alright. But with the mad skills the Barb has in D3, I can easily see that. I wish all the other characters will have such a unique gameplay, not so happy with WD so far, but who knows? eh|||Sigh.... I really wish I would've accepted the offer of those BlizzCon tickets...
Hardcore roster :)
just wana gauge who will be rolling a hc baba?
|||I'm starting with this one, but I'd probably move on to an SC barb after I die a few times, I don't hope to finish a totally new and unfamiliar game without dying.|||I will be rolling one, I won't move to SC like Giga, but if I do complete the game without dying I will be upset.|||eventually i will go with a hardcore char for all classes, see who i do best with. this assumes of course we have enough slots to make alot of classes.|||Quote:
I'm starting with this one, but I'd probably move on to an SC barb after I die a few times, I don't hope to finish a totally new and unfamiliar game without dying.
Well, if DIII is like DII, you need to finish the game with a softcore character before you can play a HC one...|||If the game is like DII, you can go edit the registry and play an HC char as soon as you feel like it.|||from the looks of the barbs skills right now, going HC with a barb will not mean much, it looks like they will never die lol.

I'm starting with this one, but I'd probably move on to an SC barb after I die a few times, I don't hope to finish a totally new and unfamiliar game without dying.
Well, if DIII is like DII, you need to finish the game with a softcore character before you can play a HC one...|||If the game is like DII, you can go edit the registry and play an HC char as soon as you feel like it.|||from the looks of the barbs skills right now, going HC with a barb will not mean much, it looks like they will never die lol.
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