I mean while watching the gameplay trailer I got the impression I was watching a demo for an arcade game or a Gods of War expansion. One of the things I always liked about Diablo was its ability to find a believable median between realism and fantasy. D3's barb seems to lean too heavily towards fantasy and over-the-top. I'm hoping they tone it down a bit in the final release.|||Yeah, it's a bit over the top, but I don't see it as a bad thing. I allways thought Diablo II's skills were a little underwhelming. A skill like 'Fist of the Heavens' didn't quite live up to it's name if you ask me...
How is your combat engine being compared to a game universally praised for it's awesome combat like God of War a bad thing? As for the realism part, Diablo II had a lot of ludicrous looking skills, but no one seems to care. I think it's just a matter of getting used to.|||I remember Sorc skill: "Thunderstorm". It was a single weird "BOING!" sound and a lone sprite going down on a monster avery 10 seconds or so. THUNDERSTORM! ^_^|||i think the barb looked over the top cause he was overpowered for the demo. it was clear that the vid was entirely scripted and they were just trying to show some things off. i would not really look too much into it yet|||Yes, of course. I agree with Apocalypse. You will notice that their exp bar hardly, if at all, moves during the course of the gameplay trailer. The barbarian was obviously pretty tripped out for the area he was in, and all they wanted to do was showcase his array of skills.
In all, I believe you are mistaking newer, more fantasy-like special effects and graphics as over the top, when compared to the oldschool style of D2...mistakenly taken as more "realistic". The element of fantasy between D2 and D3 remains unchanged.|||Quote:
i think the barb looked over the top cause he was overpowered for the demo. it was clear that the vid was entirely scripted and they were just trying to show some things off. i would not really look too much into it yet
Indeed. I watched the video fully expecting either the chars to be decked out in above average gear, or the monsters to be toned down to below average stats. In the final release the monsters should hopefully be alot tougher.|||The barb will be overpowered when the game releases. Why you might ask? Because he's the flagship of Diablo now, he's the main man of the series. Their making him the focal point. He's easy to play, powerful, and a huge draw for newbie players and teens who want to bash things. He will be stronger than people want him to be, but thats to us barbarian lovers benefit.|||d3 is based around barb? Source?|||What makes you say that the Barb is the focal point? I mean the Witch Doctor had just as much face time in the gameplay video as the Barb did. I personally liked that they showed that the Barb would have more of a crowd killing focus in D3. The one thing that drove me nuts in D2 when it comes to the Barb is that he couldn't kill as quickly as basically every other class.|||Nope, not over the top. He's a bashing-crashing-smashing class; his skills better intimidate and show lots of activity.
Also, we haven't seen the other classes yet. I'll put him at middle until I see the Archer/Rogue or Sorceress.
Diablo 3 Barbarian
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Highest BO?
Hello all,
I've made a support babarian that focuses on Battle orders, Battle Command and Shout. I'm doing my best to kit him out with as many plus skills as possible. Now, aside from the amazingly rare and expensive +3 warcry/+3 Battle orders Helm, are there any other items I could add to improve his skill levels?
Level - 80
Helm - Halaberd's Reign (+4)
Armour - Myth (+2)
Rings - BK/SoJ (+2)
Ammy - +3 warcries (+3)
weapons - 2x CtA (+8)
Belt - Arachs (+1)
Warcry skiller x 9 (+9)
Barb Torch (+3)
Annihilus (+1)
After using battle command this little lot gives me +51 battle orders. Very respectable. But aside from the aforementioned helm, is there anything else I have missed?|||Wrong forum. This is for D3|||2 x CTA doesn't count as +8, but +5, since OSkills from your class are counted at +3 MAX no matter how many different sources.
So you're actually better off with 1 CTA and 1 +3 Warcry Weapon
+1 From Battle Command.
And the helm, other than that, it's at max.
But yes, wrong Forum.|||Quote:
And the helm, other than that, it's at max.
You could make Delirium in a +3 BO helm for +5 BO total. Then again they don't grow on trees either, but still much easier to find and imo much better than using 987654321 HRs to buy yourself one more +skill.
I've made a support babarian that focuses on Battle orders, Battle Command and Shout. I'm doing my best to kit him out with as many plus skills as possible. Now, aside from the amazingly rare and expensive +3 warcry/+3 Battle orders Helm, are there any other items I could add to improve his skill levels?
Level - 80
Helm - Halaberd's Reign (+4)
Armour - Myth (+2)
Rings - BK/SoJ (+2)
Ammy - +3 warcries (+3)
weapons - 2x CtA (+8)
Belt - Arachs (+1)
Warcry skiller x 9 (+9)
Barb Torch (+3)
Annihilus (+1)
After using battle command this little lot gives me +51 battle orders. Very respectable. But aside from the aforementioned helm, is there anything else I have missed?|||Wrong forum. This is for D3|||2 x CTA doesn't count as +8, but +5, since OSkills from your class are counted at +3 MAX no matter how many different sources.
So you're actually better off with 1 CTA and 1 +3 Warcry Weapon
+1 From Battle Command.
And the helm, other than that, it's at max.
But yes, wrong Forum.|||Quote:
And the helm, other than that, it's at max.
You could make Delirium in a +3 BO helm for +5 BO total. Then again they don't grow on trees either, but still much easier to find and imo much better than using 987654321 HRs to buy yourself one more +skill.

the barb looks old - Page 5
From the Greek proverbs - yes it's a old saying but still true.
Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill.
Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill.
the barb looks old - Page 4
yep i think so idk|||If would be kinda cool if some of his most powerful physical abilities used up his health as he pushed his tired old body to extremes.|||veteran>>>>all. Although old, he must be very skillful, so maybe that was one of the aspects of blizz's idea to put it this way to us
|||Experience comes with age. Old barb is a great idea IMO.|||I think it also allows for a good level of continuity with D2 having the Barb looking older like that.|||What happened to the barb's old friends. the sorc, zon, ***,pally,druid? retirement? died?|||Probably the same thing that happened to the D1 characters, went mad and will be enemies in D3.|||Quote:
Probably the same thing that happened to the D1 characters, went mad and will be enemies in D3.
I read somewhere that Akara was supposed to be the Rogue in d1 and Drognan was the Sorcerer, but I don't know how true that really is...|||Quote:
I read somewhere that Akara was supposed to be the Rogue in d1 and Drognan was the Sorcerer, but I don't know how true that really is...
I think is more to Blood Raven being the Rogue and The Summoner (Act2) being the Sorcerer...|||Old men screaming at enemies to make them cry is for the win!

Probably the same thing that happened to the D1 characters, went mad and will be enemies in D3.
I read somewhere that Akara was supposed to be the Rogue in d1 and Drognan was the Sorcerer, but I don't know how true that really is...|||Quote:
I read somewhere that Akara was supposed to be the Rogue in d1 and Drognan was the Sorcerer, but I don't know how true that really is...
I think is more to Blood Raven being the Rogue and The Summoner (Act2) being the Sorcerer...|||Old men screaming at enemies to make them cry is for the win!
the barb looks old - Page 3
Are we sure there isn't any customization for characters. Adding a few different meshes isn't very hard anymore, and I wouldn't be surprised at all if it was a full facial customization, but the very least a few different looks. Skin tones, hair colors, age looks, etc.|||I dont think so, at least so far there hasnt been anything that shows that this kind of customization will be present|||Quote:
It is, confirmed in various interviews/panels/previews. Google is your friend on this one.
See, that wasn't hard.
hmm not sure if i really like that its the same barb,oh well dont matter what i think. thanks|||Quote:
Skin tones, hair colors, age looks, etc.
I don't think skin tones would be a good idea, for example, having a white Witch Doctor wouldn't fit the character well, equally, a black Barbarian wouldn't fit the character well as the Barbarians originate from Harrogath, which is cold, therefore they would (traditionally) be white.|||i think barb will not kill that good because he is OLD,|||Quote:
i think barb will not kill that good because he is OLD,
Those youths today...
Veterancy and wisdom earned by years of practice and experiences is what makes warrior truly deadly. Young greenhorns are just cannon fodder
|||I'd hate to live in Sanctuary, who wants to live in a place where a Hero must show up and save the world from total destruction every 20 years :P|||Quote:
Those youths today...
Veterancy and wisdom earned by years of practice and experiences is what makes warrior truly deadly. Young greenhorns are just cannon fodder 
huh u must be one of those fancy guys cause u TALK WEIRD|||Ah yes, I forgot that using proper English went out of style years ago when AOL gained popularity.|||Quote:
the barb looks old to me does he look old to you or does he loook young well i dont think
he looks young i bet most people are going to think
that the barb is old ya i bet.
Am I the only one who thinks this reads like modern poetry?
It is, confirmed in various interviews/panels/previews. Google is your friend on this one.
See, that wasn't hard.
hmm not sure if i really like that its the same barb,oh well dont matter what i think. thanks|||Quote:
Skin tones, hair colors, age looks, etc.
I don't think skin tones would be a good idea, for example, having a white Witch Doctor wouldn't fit the character well, equally, a black Barbarian wouldn't fit the character well as the Barbarians originate from Harrogath, which is cold, therefore they would (traditionally) be white.|||i think barb will not kill that good because he is OLD,|||Quote:
i think barb will not kill that good because he is OLD,
Those youths today...

Those youths today...

huh u must be one of those fancy guys cause u TALK WEIRD|||Ah yes, I forgot that using proper English went out of style years ago when AOL gained popularity.|||Quote:
the barb looks old to me does he look old to you or does he loook young well i dont think
he looks young i bet most people are going to think
that the barb is old ya i bet.
Am I the only one who thinks this reads like modern poetry?
the barb looks old - Page 2
I dig it as well, it adds a nostalgic feeling and a personal connection to the character.|||Plus if somebody wants a younger fresher look they can just go with the female version i guess so both sides can be happy. Personally i like to continue with my old friend in this other epic adventure :P|||@thyiad
why do they do that? the girls look like there waring armour plated bikini's....
WHY!?|||Maybe because they go with the idea that sex sells lol|||Did anyone see the Amazon?
xD.|||I love the new barb look.
Even better is his build. D2 seemed to mess up the barb a bit imo. His shoulders were too prominent and it crowded out his biceps. The D2 barb's legs didn't look like much either.
But the D3 barb...wow, they really got his anatomy right this time.|||Quote:
why do they do that? the girls look like there waring armour plated bikini's....
Blame it on Jabba the Hutt..... its all 'cause Princess Leia was so hot in her armored bikini plate.. (so much even R2-D2 got excited).. back in the day..|||seems to me the design philosophy behind both barb's is to be big armored tanks while showing as much skin as possible. seeing as how they arent knights/pally's this makes sense. remember conan/red sonja? i think it's a cool warrior archetype and that design decision supports that this is a specific type of melee subcalss.|||i dont think they is supposed to be the same barb as the one in d2, might be wrong please show me a link to something if i am, but i assumed this was a different person.|||Quote:
i dont think they is supposed to be the same barb as the one in d2, might be wrong please show me a link to something if i am, but i assumed this was a different person.
It is, confirmed in various interviews/panels/previews. Google is your friend on this one.
See, that wasn't hard.
why do they do that? the girls look like there waring armour plated bikini's....
WHY!?|||Maybe because they go with the idea that sex sells lol|||Did anyone see the Amazon?
xD.|||I love the new barb look.
Even better is his build. D2 seemed to mess up the barb a bit imo. His shoulders were too prominent and it crowded out his biceps. The D2 barb's legs didn't look like much either.
But the D3 barb...wow, they really got his anatomy right this time.|||Quote:
why do they do that? the girls look like there waring armour plated bikini's....
Blame it on Jabba the Hutt..... its all 'cause Princess Leia was so hot in her armored bikini plate.. (so much even R2-D2 got excited).. back in the day..|||seems to me the design philosophy behind both barb's is to be big armored tanks while showing as much skin as possible. seeing as how they arent knights/pally's this makes sense. remember conan/red sonja? i think it's a cool warrior archetype and that design decision supports that this is a specific type of melee subcalss.|||i dont think they is supposed to be the same barb as the one in d2, might be wrong please show me a link to something if i am, but i assumed this was a different person.|||Quote:
i dont think they is supposed to be the same barb as the one in d2, might be wrong please show me a link to something if i am, but i assumed this was a different person.
It is, confirmed in various interviews/panels/previews. Google is your friend on this one.
See, that wasn't hard.
the barb looks old
the barb looks old to me does he look old to you or does he loook young well i dont think
he looks young i bet most people are going to think
that the barb is old ya i bet.|||See also
http://diablo.incgamers.com/forums/s...d.php?t=669728|||The story within D3 is supposed to be 20 years after the events of D2, so they tried to make the barb look 20 years older than he did in D2 i'm assuming
|||Correct. One of the panels, said it's 20 years after D2, the Barb has seen some stuff, got some scars. Seen his ancestral home (AS) destroyed ..
I like him. I just hope the poor git isn't chased around by a lonely Charsi. That was old in D2.
Also .. give the poor female barb some clothes. It isn't just men that need protection.
|||man, Deckard Cain must be nearing 119 years old at least
|||ya he looks really old cain is going to die|||I think the idea of a battle scarred Barbarian fits in very well with DIII and think that it will give him some more character, aside from the sheer youthful pwning power of DII's barb.
Maybe there will be a selection of ointments available from Deckard Cain for his Lumbago etc.|||Quote:
The story within D3 is supposed to be 20 years after the events of D2, so they tried to make the barb look 20 years older than he did in D2 i'm assuming
Keeping that in mind Cain should have died within those 20 years I guess ^^ Lel if they should actually add the nec, they should give him a grey beard aswell and a stick like Cain to walk with :]|||I like his older look very much, and especially his voice, it just fits very well to his appearance as a battle-hardened veteran: "It's time for shedding our enemies blood, not idle talk."
Being a medieval setting, he is probably too old to fight anymore. Most people in this time died quite early from our perspective (40 years was really old). But I don't mind this, it's Diablo after all, not some medieval simulation game. Go go elder barb!|||I'm a big fan of this style decision. It makes for a really interesting character to play.
he looks young i bet most people are going to think
that the barb is old ya i bet.|||See also
http://diablo.incgamers.com/forums/s...d.php?t=669728|||The story within D3 is supposed to be 20 years after the events of D2, so they tried to make the barb look 20 years older than he did in D2 i'm assuming

I like him. I just hope the poor git isn't chased around by a lonely Charsi. That was old in D2.
Also .. give the poor female barb some clothes. It isn't just men that need protection.

Maybe there will be a selection of ointments available from Deckard Cain for his Lumbago etc.|||Quote:
The story within D3 is supposed to be 20 years after the events of D2, so they tried to make the barb look 20 years older than he did in D2 i'm assuming

Keeping that in mind Cain should have died within those 20 years I guess ^^ Lel if they should actually add the nec, they should give him a grey beard aswell and a stick like Cain to walk with :]|||I like his older look very much, and especially his voice, it just fits very well to his appearance as a battle-hardened veteran: "It's time for shedding our enemies blood, not idle talk."

Being a medieval setting, he is probably too old to fight anymore. Most people in this time died quite early from our perspective (40 years was really old). But I don't mind this, it's Diablo after all, not some medieval simulation game. Go go elder barb!|||I'm a big fan of this style decision. It makes for a really interesting character to play.
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